IntelliJ/Gradle Could not determ
Navigate to:
File >> Settings >> Build, Execution, Deployment >> Build Tools >> Gradle
Gradle JVM:
make sure you select the correct version of Java. [图片上传失败...(image-d0e32c-1584673746279)] -
Navigate to: Right-Click 'Project Root Directory' & Select
Open Module Settings
.Project Structure
windows shows-up. Make sure your JDK home path is added to thePlatform Settings >> SDKs : JDK home path
[图片上传失败...(image-cee635-1584673746279)] -
Still, on the same window
Project Structure
, select correct SDK relevant to your project underProject Settings >> Modules : Module SDK
[图片上传失败...(image-22273a-1584673746279)] -
Fix/Solution: Nvavigate to & open:
& update the distributionUrl version to the latest version. In my case (at the time of this post), my older version was:distributionUrl=https\://
And my latest version is:
As shown below:
In your build.gradle file make sure you set:
sourceCompatibility = 11