学习教英语:without doubt还是without a d

2018-11-09  本文已影响0人  海滨读易


-Without __________ doubt, the mobile phone is the most important invention of all time because it's so useful.

-Hmm... you seem to have _________ point, but i can't agree with you.

A. a;a    

B. /;the  

C. /;a  

D. a;/

我觉得选a,但是我的学生认为课本上原句的用法是without doubt,所以选c。我有不同看法,学生说,老师,我跟你讲,你不要从那些八百年前出版的字典找点东西来说服我。我答,理不辩不明,就当是学习了。

have a point意为正确,中肯,有道理,这没什么好说的。

without (a) doubt 通常情况下被认为是一个习语,意为毫无疑问。但在实际运用中,我们可以将其分析为定语或者状语。

例如: Religious faith without doubt is a comfort to many people.

分析为定语时,意为“虔诚的宗教信仰对于许多人是一种安慰。” 分析为状语时,意为“宗教信仰对于许多人无疑是一种安慰。”那么,做状语时,without (a) doubt的位置是比较灵活的。见下面几个例子:

1.Without a doubt,these theories were all wrong.

2.Don't worry;he'll come back without doubt.

3.They will,without doubt, in future carry on the underground movement elsewhere.



