

2023-04-04  本文已影响0人  行之玉















The Qingming Festival

As one of the four great traditional Chinese festivals, the Qingming Festival(also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day or Pure Brightness Festival) is the most important traditional Chinese festival to sweep tombs and pay respect to the deceased ancestors.
The Qingming Festival can be traced back to over 2,500 years ago.Legend has it that the festival originated from the Cold Food or Hanshi Festival, which commemorates Jie Zitui, a loyal official of the state of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period. Jie followed his master Prince Chong'er, who was forced to exile because of persecution. In extreme hardship, Jie once cut flesh from his thigh and cooked it as his master's food. Later on, Chong'er returned to his native country and became king of the state of Jin. As soon as he ascended throne, he rewarded his followers in his time of need but forgot Jie. Many people complained about the injustice and advised Jie to seek reward from the king. Jie despised these acts and retreated to Mianshan Mountain with his mother. The king felt great regret upon knowing the fact.After his vainly painstaking efforts of trying to retrieve Jie, the king followed the advice of setting fire to the mountain with the purpose of forcing them out.However, Jie and his mother refused to go out and were finally burnt to death.In honor of Jie Zitui, the king fixed the date of Jie's death as the Cold Food Festival and another day following it as the Qingming Festival. As a result of the affinity of the two festivals, the two festivals gradually merged into one. Eventually, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the Qingming Festival replaced Cold Food Festival completely
Sweeping tombs and commemorating the deceased ancestors, among others, are two important customs during the Qingming Festival. On that day, people set out offerings, burn incense and joss paper, tend to the tombs, and to show respect to their ancestors. In addition, Qingming is also one of the 24 seasonal division points in Chinese calendar, falling on one day from the fourth to sixth of April every year. Upon the arrival of Qingming, the temperature is on the rise and it is good time to sow plants in spring, which can be reflected in a Chinese saying: people start to sow beans and plant melons before and after the Qingming Festival. Meanwhile, Chinese people are fond of going out to enjoy spring sunshine and beautiful scenery.


清明节是中国传统中最重要的祭祖和扫墓的日子,是中国四大传统节日之一。清明节已经有两千五百多年的历史。相传这个节日起源于寒食节,为了纪念春秋时期一个忠于晋国的官员介子推。当时晋国公子重耳被迫逃亡在外,生活艰苦,跟随他的介子推不惜从自己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,做了国君(春秋五霸之一晋文公),即位后封赏当初伴随他流亡的功臣,唯独忘了介子推。很多人为介子推鸣不平,劝他面君讨赏,然而介子推鄙视争功讨赏的行为,他带了母亲隐居绵山。晋文公听说后,羞愧莫及,他遍寻介子推母子不得,无奈下放火烧山,以便逼出介子推母子。谁知这场大火却将母子烧死。为了纪念介子推,晋文公下令将每一年的这一天定为寒食节, 并把寒食节的后一天定为清明节。由于清明节和寒食节十分相似,后来两个节日渐渐合二为一,到了南宋时期,清明节完全取代了寒食节。


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