
06-xCell: A R package and web-to

2018-05-24  本文已影响47人  六六_ryx


  • xCell is a webtool and a R package that performs cell type enrichment analysis from gene expression data for 64 immune and stroma cell types.
  • xCell is also a gene signatures-based method containing thousands of pure cell types from 6 various sources.
  • xCell applies a novel technique for reducing associations between closley related cell types.
  • xCell signatures were validated using extensive in-silico simulations and also cytometry immunophenotyping, and were shown to outperform previous methods.
  • xCell allows researchers to reliably portray the cellular heterogeneity landscape of tissue expression profiles.

Data sources:
The signature gene expression profiles based on RNA-sequencing and array from six sources:

gene signatue data sources

Cell types:
The gene signature have 64 cell types including Lymphoids sub-types, stem sub-types, myeloids sub-types, stromal cell sub-types and other cells.

cell types

pipeline of using xCell

xCell provide webtools only required human gene expression data file in tab delimited text format or csv (up to 1Gb), which should be genes in rows and samples in columns. The rownames should be gene symbols, and normalizing to gene length (RPKM/FPKM/TPM/RSEM) is required.

    GSM565269   GSM565270   GSM565271 ...
A1CF    5.9528  6.2118  6.0946
A2M 5.4145  5.4929  5.296
A4GALT  6.0914  5.7378  6.051
A4GNT   6.1141  6.0271  6.0217
AAAS    8.1466  7.8885  8.0305
AACS    6.703   6.4519  6.8497

Based on webtools


Based on R package

exprMatrix = read.table(expr_file,header=TRUE,row.names=1, as.is=TRUE)
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