
Solutions to Release of Testing 

2020-11-13  本文已影响0人  Chafee被注册了

  News can be heard in recent period that students, haunted by testing anxiety, ending up their own lives as a way out. It is a tragedy for their parents, and a warning call to the whole society. To avoid cases like this happen again, we need to explore and examine the root cause of testing anxiety and provide solutions to help.

  Students now are facing huge pressure than ever before. Their parents hope them to catch a good grade in test, enter in an elite university and find a decent job eventually. To make this happen, parents are pushing children so hard that even sending them to various tutoring centers in weekend. Living up to the expectations of the whole family, students try their best for every tests. A better score brings them reward while the bad one leave them punished. Some of students, demanded by their tiger mothers to get perfect grades, feel increasingly anxiety before tests. The compiling of testing anxiety will cause them to hate eat, feel ill, or even suicide.

  In this context, the whole society need to put more emphasis on student’s psychological status. First, parents are suggested to not push their children too hard in tests, and give them more care and encouragements by telling them “Failure is the Mother of Success” and “The next time will be better”. Children tend to be affected by their parents, every blame and insult would leave a mark on their minds. Then, schools should not to rank students’ test performance and pin the notice on the bulletin board after every test in the classroom or the campus, intensifying students’ stress and putting those with bad grades in anxiety. In fact, test is a tool to examine student’s learning situation in a certain period, according their performance, teachers can adjust the teaching plans for the next phase. Yet, it cannot be the only yardstick of a student’s accomplishment. The less schools focusing on grades, the more helpful to release students testing anxiety.

  Appropriate anxiety helps students to study hard and get more preparedness before testings, but the problem is that our adults couldn't hold the proper extent to it. We all need to work on releasing excessive testing anxiety of students and figure out more solutions to help.

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