利用Raspberry Pi 3和爬虫做 语音闹钟

2018-03-21  本文已影响45人  JaeGwen


由于有中文的编码问题,直接使用virtualenv 创建虚拟环境运行该脚本


sudo aptitude install mplayer #语音播放器
sudo pip3 install requests lxml comtypes
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import re
import time
import types
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from lxml import  etree

class NotIntegerError(Exception):

class OutOfRangeError(Exception):

_MAPPING = (u'零', u'一', u'二', u'三', u'四', u'五', u'六', u'七', u'八', u'九', )
_P0 = (u'', u'十', u'百', u'千', )
_S4 = 10 ** 4 
_nagetive_S4 = -10 ** 4
_MIN, _MAX = 0, 99999

def _to_chinese4(num):
  '''转换[0, 10000)之间的阿拉伯数字
  assert(0 <= num and num < _S4)
  if num < 10:
    return _MAPPING[num]
    lst = [ ]
    while num >= 10:
      lst.append(num % 10)
      num = num // 10
    c = len(lst)  # 位数
    result = u''
    for idx, val in enumerate(lst):
      if val != 0:
        result += str(_P0[idx]) + str(_MAPPING[val])
        if idx < c - 1 and lst[idx + 1] == 0:
          result += u'零'
    return result[::-1].replace(u'一十', u'十')

def _nagetive_to_chinese4(num):
    '''转换[-10000, 0)之间的阿拉伯数字
    assert(_nagetive_S4 <= num and num < 0)
    abs_num = abs(num)
    if abs_num < 10:
        return u'零下' + _MAPPING[abs_num]
        lst = [ ]
        while abs_num >= 10:
            lst.append(abs_num % 10)
            abs_num = abs_num // 10
        c = len(lst)
        result = u''
        for idx, val in enumerate(lst):
            if val != 0:
                result += str(_P0[idx]) + str(_MAPPING[val])
            if idx < c - 1 and lst[idx + 1] == 0:
                result += u'零'
        return u'零下' + result[::-1].replace(u'一十', u'十')

def trans2cn(num):
    if type(abs(num)) != types.IntType and type(abs(num)) != types.LongType:
        raise NotIntegerError(u'%s is not a integer.' % num)
    if abs(num) < _MIN or abs(num) > _MAX:
        raise OutOfRangeError(u'%d is out of range[%d,%d)' % (num, _MIN, _MAX))
    if 0 <= num < _S4:
        return _to_chinese4(num)
    if _nagetive_S4 <= num < 0:
        return _nagetive_to_chinese4(num)
def request_weather_html(url):
    html = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    selector = etree.HTML(html.text)
    temp = selector.xpath('//div [@class="wea_weather clearfix"]/em/text()')[0] #温度
    temp = trans2cn(int(temp)) #转为中文数字温度
    weather = selector.xpath('//div [@class="wea_weather clearfix"]/b/text()')[0] #天气
    humidity_info = selector.xpath('//div [@class="wea_about clearfix"]/span/text()')[0] #湿度
    humidity = re.search(r'\d+', humidity_info).group()
    humidity_zh = trans2cn(int(humidity)) #转为中文数字湿度
    humidity_info.replace(' ', u'百分之').replace('%',' ')
    wind = selector.xpath('//div [@class="wea_about clearfix"]/em/text()')[0] #风级
    aqi = selector.xpath('//div [@class="wea_alert clearfix"]/ul/li/a/em/text()')[0] #AQI 空气质量
    aqi_num = re.search(r'\d+', aqi).group()
    aqi_num_zh = trans2cn(int(aqi_num))
    aqi = aqi.replace(aqi_num, aqi_num_zh).replace(' ',u'空气质量')
    aqi = 'AQI' + aqi
    wea_tips = selector.xpath('//div [@class="wea_tips clearfix"]/em/text()')[0] #穿衣小贴士
    wea_tips = wea_tips.replace(', ', ',')
    now = datetime.now().date() #当天日期
    text = '早上好!今天是%s年%s月%s日,天气%s,温度%s摄氏度,%s,%s,%s,%s' % \
           (now.year, now.month, now.day, weather, temp, humidity_info, wind, aqi, wea_tips)

    return text

def text2voice(text):
    url = 'http://tts.baidu.com/text2audio?idx=1&tex={0}&cuid=baidu_speech_' \
    # 直接播放语音
    os.system('mplayer "%s"' % url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    headers = {
        'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36'
    url = 'http://tianqi.moji.com/' #墨迹天气根据访问ip定位获取实时天气信息
    text = request_weather_html(url)
    mp3path2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'music.mp3')
    os.system('mplayer %s' % mp3path2)


早上好!今天是2018年3月21日,天气晴,温度九摄氏度,湿度 59%,西风2级,AQI二十一空气质量优,天冷了,该加衣服了!


30 7 * * * /var/local/voice/bin/python3 /var/local/voice/scripts/weather_voice.py
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