Unity Android 内购 In-App Billing
Unity Android In-App Billing 实现&测试经历
撰写时间: 2017/07/9, 有效期未知.
上周接到一个任务, 在一个Unity实现的小游戏里面添加上Android 内购, 是的, 这款游戏本来只打算发布到iOS上的后来又决定在Google Play 上发布了.
Android 内购 和 iOS 的内购应该是一样一样的吧, I think.
好吧, 废话不多说, 赶紧上车.
本质上来说, 我是那种头脑懒惰的人, 所以我选择先搜搜看, 有没有别人已经做好了的. 然后我就收到了一大堆, 深的浅的都有.
Unity接入谷歌支付: http://www.jianshu.com/p/31ad2e3b3023
Unity3d接入googleplay内购详细说明(二) http://www.360doc.com/content/17/0404/14/40005136_642773257.shtml
虽然这两篇博文是我能找到的最新的, 但是依然有点不符合我的条件. 第一篇吧, 不够详细(没有代码), 第二篇呢, 首先是Eclipse的工程, 其次, 如果你照着上面的敲, 最终会发现它的逻辑是有问题的(用户只要点击了某个商品的按钮, 就会得到该商品, 更本不用付钱啊) 补充说明下: 正常的逻辑是, 用户点击了某个商品的Button , 然后转一会圈, Google Play会返回该商品的信息并询问你是不是真的要购买, 如果你确定, 就可以点击 确定
按钮进行购买. 但是最头痛的是, 似乎找不到购买成功的回调方法, 后来我才发现其实这个代码也不是完整的.
在In-App Billing 中, 购买行为分3种
购买消耗品. 比如游戏中
购买金币, 钻石
. 它的特点是, 用户可以多次购买, 因为用户会在游戏中慢慢的将金币/钻石消耗掉. -
购买非消耗品. 比如你在游戏中购买了一款游戏角色的皮肤. 那么这个皮肤就会一直存在. 而不会被销毁.
购买订阅产品. 比如订阅报纸(这个我实在没怎么看到过, 所以就举个通俗的例子吧). 你需要用户定期缴费(有点像消耗品购买), 但是呢, 在一定期限内又要让用户不能重复购买(又像非消耗品的购买).
当我发现这个不行的时候, 我就去看了看文档 https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_overview.html, 但是至少粗略的看了下, 发现文档里面写的和上面两篇博文的完全不同啊, 什么 ServiceConnection
的怎么都没见过啊. 难道这文档是假的?
如果你只跟着上面两篇博文就想实现购买功能, 那么我只能告诉你 不可能. 幸运的是我跟着它们就实现了. Why? 因为我是通过Unity实现的. 但这不是重点, 重点是我在跟着上面走之前使用了一个插件 OpenIAB
但是也不是完全相同, 因为在 OpenIAB
中有些用于内购的抽象类的实现方法和 官网上的Demo 中的工具类的实现方法略有不同.
当然, 这些只是我的经历而已, 你不用参考着实现, 后面我会详细的说明实现方法的.
好吧, 到这里我已经踩过许多坑, 比如在 Google Develop Console
第一个为什么处于 已暂停
我在测试时购买了些东西(是真的花了钱的, 这也是个悲催的故事), 然后Google 现在要我完善下信息, 绑定个可用收钱的账号, 把我测试时花费的钱收了.
这是个悲催的故事, 其实它是我在Google Play 创建的第一个应用, 然后, 如果你看过上面的两个博文, 有个博文中有一个设置 签名
的环节. 是的, 我衷心的提示你, 不要再 Unity 里面设置 签名, 你最好在 Android Studio 中设置签名, 并且 保存好 Key store
文件(.jks后缀的). 如果你在跟新该项目的时候发现这个文件不见了(而且没有 启用 Google Play App Signing
, 那么恭喜你, 你有两种选择, 一 不升级; 二 取消发布. 但是可悲的是我启用了 Google Play App Signing
但是不知道怎么弄, 所以就这样了.
这个不清楚为什么,但是一直放不上去, 我是将第四个项目 改了下 applicationId
发上去的, 然后就这样了.
这个项目就是我做好了的Demo, 是不是觉得和上面的一个很像? 除了名字. 那么我需要告诉你个秘密. 不要把 Android
放在项目的前面. 如果你取得名字是这样的 Android IAB 测试项目
那么Google会毙了你的, 因为你在蹭它家的名气.
也许你会问, 为什么你是先讲坑, 而不是先把实现步骤讲讲, 然后再说遇到的坑呢? 我只想告诉你, 这只是我的经历, 这些不是真正我想要讲的.
其他的坑还有测试的坑, 是的, 一个大坑.
在iOS 上, 如果你要测试一个内购项目, 只需要在当前的应用下的 沙箱技术测试人员
里面创建一个假的 苹果账户进行测试就好了.所以在测试Android 内购的时候, 我也理所当然的理解成在Beta测试版
的 管理测试人员
中添加的测试人员就是可以测试 内购的, 所以我在测试的时候, 点击了购买然后就真的花钱了, 起初我还期盼着这些钱会在之后的什么时候会打回给我. 然而..., 后再在文档的这个位置 https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_testing.html , 仔细看了才知道还要设置个什么 许可测试
经过差不多一周的时间, 终于,还是实现了 In-App Billing
的功能, 具体实现如下:
In-App Billing实现
1. 在Google Play Console 创建应用
首先 你得保证自己有一个 Google Play 的开发者账号. 这是前提, 没有的自己百度.
界面 选择创建应用
, 并在弹出的对话框中写好名字(与内购无关的设置我也不会提的)
- 应用 创建好之后, 就会跳转到商品详情页面, 让你去填写商品详情, 图片等一些东西, 确保图中几个都打上对勾了(我现在还没填写信息, 所以都是灰色的).
有些必须要等到你上传了 APK
之后才能填写, 这个需要注意一下, 所以你可以先随便编译一个只要不报错的APK上去(先放在Alpha/Belta版, 封闭/开放测试都可以), 在真正需要发布的时候在升级一个新的APK替换掉就好了.
4.1. 步骤如图:
在弹出的对话框中填入 点击Next
4.2. 接着来到了这里
如果你之前没有build 过APK, 那么你就需要点击
Create New Key Store
如果自己做着玩的就随便填一下就好了, 公司的就认真填写. 但是需要注意的是, 哪些密码要找个地方记住 我这里已经build 过了 所以就直接输入之前的密码, 然后点击Next
4.3. 如图:
Snip20170709_17.png我暂时还不知道这两个对勾是什么意思, 但是我在 build APK 的时候就勾上了, 所以如果你们知道,这两个表示什么意思的话可以留言告诉我下. 点击
就开始 创建带签名的 APK 了. 过一会你就可以在 Android Studio 的界面中看到一个 APK打包成功的弹框.点蓝色的字体就可以进去了(上面写着什么来着?不清楚了)
什么你刚才眼睛一闭一睁, 弹框不见了, 好吧, 告诉你在这里可以找到.
Snip20170709_19.pngOK, 这样之后你就已经拿到签名了的APK了, 现在需要返回 Google Develop Console
注意: 确保你的APK里面有结算权限
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING" />
后面的过程自己摸索摸索就能完成的, 所以我就不截图了. 但是记得设置测试方式以及测试人员
APK放上去之后就可以继续 将一些需要先把APK放上去之后才能操作的步骤了. -
注: 消耗品和非消耗品都属于受管理的商品, 还有就是 在填写好所有的信息之后, 记得在右上方,提交更新 的下面 激活一下该商品.
这是最重要的一步, 曾经让我花了3$啊, 血的代价. 设置内购测试人员. 你是不是记得在上面上传APK的时候已经添加过一次测试人员了, 没错. 但那仅仅是有权安装测试版的App而已, 如果他们在你发布的应用中购买了东西, 那么他们是真的付了钱的. 添加内购测试人员的方法:
8.1 先跳到本文的第2张图
8.2 点击设置
8.3 如图:
说明: 测试账号可以看到 免费说明
实现过程中, 遇到的问题:
这个可以翻墙, 我用的是蓝灯 https://getlantern.org 已失效 -
手机 谷歌服务框架的安装
无需Root 用这个也可以安装 谷歌服务框架的. -
测试人员在 Play 商店上搜索不到 你发布的应用
把这个链接给测试人员(前提是这个测试人员的谷歌账户已经在你的测试人员上了, 并且如果要测试内购还要确保他在许可测试
人员名单上哦,要不然是会扣钱的). 然后在链接画面中将App添加都心愿单
中, 这下它就跑不掉了. 你就可以在Play 商店
里找到它了. -
购买时发现 测试账号没有设置支付方式, 支付不成功
这也是个大坑, 真的. 我刚开始是想通过绑定VISA
卡来做测试的, 但是发现在中国这个很难. 网上有方法,但是很麻烦, 会消耗好久的时间. 所以我后来是通过在付款方式
的方式来充钱的. 某宝上有Google Play 兑换卡
购买的(直接在某宝上搜索google play 礼品卡
),价格也比较公道, 而且卖家会告诉你怎么设置的.
参考链接: https://developer.android.com/training/in-app-billing/preparing-iab-app.html#AddLibrary
google 提供的Demo链接: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-play-billing 这个链接可以在上面的参考链接中找到.
然后用Android Studio 打开, 将下图对应的两个文件找到, 并把它们放入你自己的项目的对应位置中
记得将 util
中的java文件 的包名改成你自己的包名
记得在自己项目的 AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING" />
package com.game.tacker.iabdemo;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.IabBroadcastReceiver;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.IabBroadcastReceiver.IabBroadcastListener;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.IabHelper;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.IabHelper.IabAsyncInProgressException;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.Inventory;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.Purchase;
import com.game.tacker.iabdemo.util.IabResult;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements IabBroadcastListener,
DialogInterface.OnClickListener {
// Debug tag, for logging
static final String TAG = "tackor";
// 是否已经购买了非消耗品
boolean mIsPremium = false;
// 是否已经订阅了无限燃油
boolean mSubscribedToInfiniteGas = false;
// 订阅是否自动续费
boolean mAutoRenewEnabled = false;
// Tracks the currently owned infinite gas SKU, and the options in the Manage dialog
String mInfiniteGasSku = "";
String mFirstChoiceSku = "";
String mSecondChoiceSku = "";
// Used to select between purchasing gas on a monthly or yearly basis
String mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod = "";
// SKUs for our products: the premium upgrade (non-consumable) and gas (consumable)
// 下面的四个 SKU 对应 Google Develop Console 里面你定义的商品的 ID, 如果你的是其他的, 可以在这里进行修改
static final String SKU_PREMIUM = "premium"; // 非消耗品
static final String SKU_GAS = "gas"; // 消耗品
// 订阅产品的 SKU (这里指 无限汽油)
static final String SKU_INFINITE_GAS_MONTHLY = "infinite_gas_monthly"; //按月订阅产品
static final String SKU_INFINITE_GAS_YEARLY = "infinite_gas_yearly"; //按年订阅产品
// (arbitrary) request code for the purchase flow
static final int RC_REQUEST = 10001;
// Graphics for the gas gauge
// 表示不同油量的一组图片
static int[] TANK_RES_IDS = { R.drawable.gas0, R.drawable.gas1, R.drawable.gas2,
R.drawable.gas3, R.drawable.gas4 };
// 汽车的总血量
static final int TANK_MAX = 4;
// 当前血量格数
int mTank;
// The helper object
IabHelper mHelper;
// Provides purchase notification while this app is running
IabBroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// load game data
// PublicKey
String base64EncodedPublicKey = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA7BgPD8sssxklIEpM5j8iy3LfIYhLHwK4DcNJRHxb8UQTxOJ44fg/ef8omK7dPrjYDDp287fIWqTAR+WvWlHCY3BTtnlkQ0IMBlb2AT16ff4o7uYJ+VmRqFW+/OtpllGC08/uDhXrYFUJffQ2weJyHbiqJqE/NHpqSCr1MePqFBzkd9HmXfx7Dc/bcRo87Jn/zmKOOMNFZR+BCClX88zUvgX/FrGthDac3s2q/GsPWjojFaMvPbsy7z/9VCuOuqO56xzpOpOeSmnpaUKx6Pa8KxXCJm+XFxtXOjXfQAe/HHIHgWByRYRUTsl5B0uF82hT3T8hrNNfZfRxGM8GNaZ9DwIDAQAB";
// Create the helper, passing it our context and the public key to verify signatures with
Log.d(TAG, "Creating IAB helper.");
mHelper = new IabHelper(this, base64EncodedPublicKey);
// enable debug logging (for a production application, you should set this to false).
// Start setup. This is asynchronous and the specified listener
// will be called once setup completes.
Log.d(TAG, "Starting setup.");
mHelper.startSetup(new IabHelper.OnIabSetupFinishedListener() {
public void onIabSetupFinished(IabResult result) {
Log.d(TAG, "Setup finished.");
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
// Oh noes, there was a problem.
complain("Problem setting up in-app billing: " + result);
// Have we been disposed of in the meantime? If so, quit.
if (mHelper == null) return;
mBroadcastReceiver = new IabBroadcastReceiver(MainActivity.this);
IntentFilter broadcastFilter = new IntentFilter(IabBroadcastReceiver.ACTION);
registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, broadcastFilter);
// IAB is fully set up. Now, let's get an inventory of stuff we own.
// 获取存货清单(应该是当前用户已经购买的存货清单)
Log.d(TAG, "Setup successful. Querying inventory.");
try {
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error querying inventory. Another async operation in progress.");
// Listener that's called when we finish querying the items and subscriptions we own
// 查询用户存货清单的回调方法
IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener mGotInventoryListener = new IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener() {
public void onQueryInventoryFinished(IabResult result, Inventory inventory) {
Log.d(TAG, "Query inventory finished.");
// Have we been disposed of in the meantime? If so, quit.
if (mHelper == null) return;
// Is it a failure?
if (result.isFailure()) {
complain("Failed to query inventory: " + result);
Log.d(TAG, "Query inventory was successful.");
* Check for items we own. Notice that for each purchase, we check
* the developer payload to see if it's correct! See
* verifyDeveloperPayload().
// Do we have the premium upgrade?
// 查询我们是否已经升级了车子, 也就是说查询我们是否已经购买了 SKU 为 SKU_PREMIUM 的非消耗品
Purchase premiumPurchase = inventory.getPurchase(SKU_PREMIUM);
mIsPremium = (premiumPurchase != null && verifyDeveloperPayload(premiumPurchase));
Log.d(TAG, "User is " + (mIsPremium ? "PREMIUM" : "NOT PREMIUM"));
// First find out which subscription is auto renewing
Purchase gasMonthly = inventory.getPurchase(SKU_INFINITE_GAS_MONTHLY);
Purchase gasYearly = inventory.getPurchase(SKU_INFINITE_GAS_YEARLY);
if (gasMonthly != null && gasMonthly.isAutoRenewing()) {
mAutoRenewEnabled = true;
} else if (gasYearly != null && gasYearly.isAutoRenewing()) {
mAutoRenewEnabled = true;
} else {
mInfiniteGasSku = "";
mAutoRenewEnabled = false;
// The user is subscribed if either subscription exists, even if neither is auto
// renewing
mSubscribedToInfiniteGas = (gasMonthly != null && verifyDeveloperPayload(gasMonthly))
|| (gasYearly != null && verifyDeveloperPayload(gasYearly));
Log.d(TAG, "User " + (mSubscribedToInfiniteGas ? "HAS" : "DOES NOT HAVE")
+ " infinite gas subscription.");
if (mSubscribedToInfiniteGas) mTank = TANK_MAX;
// Check for gas delivery -- if we own gas, we should fill up the tank immediately
Purchase gasPurchase = inventory.getPurchase(SKU_GAS);
if (gasPurchase != null && verifyDeveloperPayload(gasPurchase)) {
Log.d(TAG, "We have gas. Consuming it.");
try {
mHelper.consumeAsync(inventory.getPurchase(SKU_GAS), mConsumeFinishedListener);
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error consuming gas. Another async operation in progress.");
Log.d(TAG, "Initial inventory query finished; enabling main UI.");
// Callback for when a purchase is finished
IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener mPurchaseFinishedListener = new IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener() {
public void onIabPurchaseFinished(IabResult result, Purchase purchase) {
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase finished: " + result + ", purchase: " + purchase);
// if we were disposed of in the meantime, quit.
if (mHelper == null) return;
if (result.isFailure()) {
complain("Error purchasing: " + result);
if (!verifyDeveloperPayload(purchase)) {
complain("Error purchasing. Authenticity verification failed.");
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase successful.");
if (purchase.getSku().equals(SKU_GAS)) { // 如果是消耗品, 那么就立即调用下面的方法进行消耗, 以便下次进行购买
// bought 1/4 tank of gas. So consume it.
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase is gas. Starting gas consumption.");
try {
mHelper.consumeAsync(purchase, mConsumeFinishedListener);
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error consuming gas. Another async operation in progress.");
else if (purchase.getSku().equals(SKU_PREMIUM)) { //如果是非消耗品, 根据UI把蓝色按钮隐藏掉
// bought the premium upgrade!
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase is premium upgrade. Congratulating user.");
alert("Thank you for upgrading to premium!");
mIsPremium = true;
else if (purchase.getSku().equals(SKU_INFINITE_GAS_MONTHLY)
|| purchase.getSku().equals(SKU_INFINITE_GAS_YEARLY)) {
// bought the infinite gas subscription
Log.d(TAG, "Infinite gas subscription purchased.");
alert("Thank you for subscribing to infinite gas!");
mSubscribedToInfiniteGas = true;
mAutoRenewEnabled = purchase.isAutoRenewing();
mInfiniteGasSku = purchase.getSku();
mTank = TANK_MAX;
// Called when consumption is complete
IabHelper.OnConsumeFinishedListener mConsumeFinishedListener = new IabHelper.OnConsumeFinishedListener() {
public void onConsumeFinished(Purchase purchase, IabResult result) {
Log.d(TAG, "Consumption finished. Purchase: " + purchase + ", result: " + result);
// if we were disposed of in the meantime, quit.
if (mHelper == null) return;
// We know this is the "gas" sku because it's the only one we consume,
// so we don't check which sku was consumed. If you have more than one
// sku, you probably should check...
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// successfully consumed, so we apply the effects of the item in our
// game world's logic, which in our case means filling the gas tank a bit
Log.d(TAG, "Consumption successful. Provisioning.");
mTank = mTank == TANK_MAX ? TANK_MAX : mTank + 1;
alert("You filled 1/4 tank. Your tank is now " + String.valueOf(mTank) + "/4 full!");
else {
complain("Error while consuming: " + result);
Log.d(TAG, "End consumption flow.");
/** Verifies the developer payload of a purchase. */
// 如果公司自己有服务器, 那么可以在该方法中实现本地数据校验, 加强安全
boolean verifyDeveloperPayload(Purchase p) {
String payload = p.getDeveloperPayload();
return true;
// =================== 按钮的监听方法 =========================//
// User clicked the "Buy Gas" button
// 购买消耗品(汽油, 黄色)
public void onBuyGasButtonClicked(View arg0) {
Log.d(TAG, "Buy gas button clicked.");
if (mSubscribedToInfiniteGas) {
complain("No need! You're subscribed to infinite gas. Isn't that awesome?");
if (mTank >= TANK_MAX) {
complain("Your tank is full. Drive around a bit!");
// launch the gas purchase UI flow.
// We will be notified of completion via mPurchaseFinishedListener
// 购买方法, 消耗品
Log.d(TAG, "Launching purchase flow for gas.");
/* TODO: for security, generate your payload here for verification. See the comments on
* verifyDeveloperPayload() for more info. Since this is a SAMPLE, we just use
* an empty string, but on a production app you should carefully generate this. */
String payload = "";
try {
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, SKU_GAS, RC_REQUEST,
mPurchaseFinishedListener, payload);
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error launching purchase flow. Another async operation in progress.");
// User clicked the "Upgrade to Premium" button.
//购买方法, 非消耗品(蓝色)
public void onUpgradeAppButtonClicked(View arg0) {
Log.d(TAG, "Upgrade button clicked; launching purchase flow for upgrade.");
/* TODO: for security, generate your payload here for verification. See the comments on
* verifyDeveloperPayload() for more info. Since this is a SAMPLE, we just use
* an empty string, but on a production app you should carefully generate this. */
String payload = "";
try {
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, SKU_PREMIUM, RC_REQUEST,
mPurchaseFinishedListener, payload);
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error launching purchase flow. Another async operation in progress.");
// "Subscribe to infinite gas" button clicked. Explain to user, then start purchase
// flow for subscription.
// 订阅商品(红色按钮)
public void onInfiniteGasButtonClicked(View arg0) {
if (!mHelper.subscriptionsSupported()) {
complain("Subscriptions not supported on your device yet. Sorry!");
CharSequence[] options;
if (!mSubscribedToInfiniteGas || !mAutoRenewEnabled) {
// Both subscription options should be available
options = new CharSequence[2];
options[0] = getString(R.string.subscription_period_monthly);
options[1] = getString(R.string.subscription_period_yearly);
} else {
// This is the subscription upgrade/downgrade path, so only one option is valid
options = new CharSequence[1];
if (mInfiniteGasSku.equals(SKU_INFINITE_GAS_MONTHLY)) {
// Give the option to upgrade to yearly
options[0] = getString(R.string.subscription_period_yearly);
} else {
// Give the option to downgrade to monthly
options[0] = getString(R.string.subscription_period_monthly);
mSecondChoiceSku = "";
int titleResId;
if (!mSubscribedToInfiniteGas) {
titleResId = R.string.subscription_period_prompt;
} else if (!mAutoRenewEnabled) {
titleResId = R.string.subscription_resignup_prompt;
} else {
titleResId = R.string.subscription_update_prompt;
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
.setSingleChoiceItems(options, 0 /* checkedItem */, this)
.setPositiveButton(R.string.subscription_prompt_continue, this)
.setNegativeButton(R.string.subscription_prompt_cancel, this);
AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
// Drive button clicked. Burn gas!
// 开车按钮(绿色的) 消耗燃油
public void onDriveButtonClicked(View arg0) {
Log.d(TAG, "Drive button clicked.");
if (!mSubscribedToInfiniteGas && mTank <= 0) alert("Oh, no! You are out of gas! Try buying some!");
else {
if (!mSubscribedToInfiniteGas) --mTank;
alert("Vroooom, you drove a few miles.");
Log.d(TAG, "Vrooom. Tank is now " + mTank);
// ============== IabBroadcastListener 接口方法 ============//
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int id) {
if (id == 0 /* First choice item */) {
mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod = mFirstChoiceSku;
} else if (id == 1 /* Second choice item */) {
mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod = mSecondChoiceSku;
} else if (id == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE /* continue button */) {
/* TODO: for security, generate your payload here for verification. See the comments on
* verifyDeveloperPayload() for more info. Since this is a SAMPLE, we just use
* an empty string, but on a production app you should carefully generate
* this. */
String payload = "";
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod)) {
// The user has not changed from the default selection
mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod = mFirstChoiceSku;
List<String> oldSkus = null;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mInfiniteGasSku)
&& !mInfiniteGasSku.equals(mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod)) {
// The user currently has a valid subscription, any purchase action is going to
// replace that subscription
oldSkus = new ArrayList<String>();
Log.d(TAG, "Launching purchase flow for gas subscription.");
try {
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod, IabHelper.ITEM_TYPE_SUBS,
oldSkus, RC_REQUEST, mPurchaseFinishedListener, payload);
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error launching purchase flow. Another async operation in progress.");
// Reset the dialog options
mSelectedSubscriptionPeriod = "";
mFirstChoiceSku = "";
mSecondChoiceSku = "";
} else if (id != DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE) {
// There are only four buttons, this should not happen
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown button clicked in subscription dialog: " + id);
public void receivedBroadcast() {
// Received a broadcast notification that the inventory of items has changed
Log.d(TAG, "Received broadcast notification. Querying inventory.");
try {
} catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
complain("Error querying inventory. Another async operation in progress.");
// ================== 系统方法 ====================//
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityResult(" + requestCode + "," + resultCode + "," + data);
if (mHelper == null) return;
// Pass on the activity result to the helper for handling
if (!mHelper.handleActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)) {
// not handled, so handle it ourselves (here's where you'd
// perform any handling of activity results not related to in-app
// billing...
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
else {
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityResult handled by IABUtil.");
// We're being destroyed. It's important to dispose of the helper here!
public void onDestroy() {
// very important:
if (mBroadcastReceiver != null) {
// very important:
Log.d(TAG, "Destroying helper.");
if (mHelper != null) {
mHelper = null;
// =============== 游戏相关方法 ==================//
// updates UI to reflect model
public void updateUi() {
// update the car color to reflect premium status or lack thereof
((ImageView)findViewById(R.id.free_or_premium)).setImageResource(mIsPremium ? R.drawable.premium : R.drawable.free);
// "Upgrade" button is only visible if the user is not premium
//如果用户已经购买了非消耗品, 那么就隐藏该按钮
findViewById(R.id.upgrade_button).setVisibility(mIsPremium ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
ImageView infiniteGasButton = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.infinite_gas_button);
if (mSubscribedToInfiniteGas) {
// If subscription is active, show "Manage Infinite Gas"
} else {
// The user does not have infinite gas, show "Get Infinite Gas"
// update gas gauge to reflect tank status
if (mSubscribedToInfiniteGas) {
else {
int index = mTank >= TANK_RES_IDS.length ? TANK_RES_IDS.length - 1 : mTank;
// Enables or disables the "please wait" screen.
void setWaitScreen(boolean set) {
findViewById(R.id.screen_main).setVisibility(set ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
findViewById(R.id.screen_wait).setVisibility(set ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
void complain(String message) {
Log.e(TAG, "**** TrivialDrive Error: " + message);
alert("Error: " + message);
void alert(String message) {
AlertDialog.Builder bld = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
bld.setNeutralButton("OK", null);
Log.d(TAG, "Showing alert dialog: " + message);
void loadData() {
SharedPreferences sp = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
mTank = sp.getInt("tank", 2);
Log.d(TAG, "Loaded data: tank = " + String.valueOf(mTank));
void saveData() {
SharedPreferences.Editor spe = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
spe.putInt("tank", mTank);
Log.d(TAG, "Saved data: tank = " + String.valueOf(mTank));
如果觉得代码不够详细, 你可以自己下载 Google提供的Demo(上面有提供下载链接)自己实现一下. 如果发现我有什么地方理解错误的可以提出来一起探讨哦.