Day 3

2017-07-05  本文已影响0人  二可

Words and expressions

1. In harmony with the natural laws of growth, they provide an incremental, sequential, highly integrated approach to the development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness.

Incremental 增加的;递增的 Incremental is used to describe something that increases in value or worth, often by a regular amount.

E.g. We are seeking continuous, incremental improvements, not great breakthroughs.


2. Our growth form infancy to adulthood is in accordance with natural law.

in accordance with sth

according to a rule or the way that sb says that sth should be done  •依照;依据:

e.g. in accordance with legal requirements 根据法律要求

3. Emotionally, I would be validated from within.

Validate: to prove that sth is true 证实;确认;确证:

e.g. to validate a theory 证实理论

4. If I am emotionally interdependent, I derive a great sense of worth within myself, but I also recognize the need for love, for giving, and for receiving love from others.

derive : to get sth from sth


e.g. He derived great pleasure from painting.


5. Phenomenal:非凡的;不寻常的;惊人的Something that is phenomenal is so great or good that it is very unusual indeed.

E.g. Exports of Australian wine are growing at a phenomenal rate...


对这个单词其实印象蛮深刻的,今天看美剧的时候男主夸女主今晚很惊艳就用了这个单词:You are phenomenal!

Personal reflection:

Interdependence is the paradigm of we- we can do it; we can cooperate; we can combine our talents and abilities and creat something greater together.


Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits.“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,”

许许多多习惯的养成塑造了我们的性格。任何习惯的养成都不是一蹴而就的,需要漫长的积累和坚持。可坚持谈何容易?Eric说只有经历过才有资格评价,你没有试过早起五点半学英语你哪知道我们收获而又成长了多少?只有把任何想法付诸于实践,才能真正地使之变为现实。Walk the walk is better than talk the talk, 通俗点可以翻为扯破嗓子不如撸起袖子,脚踏实地总是比泛泛而谈来的实在。我加入这个阅读群的目的也是和大多数人一样,想利用读原版书解决自己英语学习中的问题,喜欢听力口语而惧怕阅读和写作。那怎么做呢?开始几天确实很焦虑,不习惯做笔记的方式,自己做笔记的方式不被他人所接受或者说他人不理解,小伙伴们做的笔记又十分优秀,那该怎么办呢?Eric说按需学习,所以我就按照自己的思维方式来,借鉴他人笔记中的优点,形成自己的笔记体系,感觉也慢慢走上正轨了。那坚持下去的desire呢?我想desire这个东西也不是一下就有的,毕竟要在尝到甜头之后,明白 “哦,原来我需要这个" 的Aha moment 。

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