详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(二十) —— NSURLCred
版本号 | 时间 |
V1.0 | 2018.03.17 |
1. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类 (一) —— NSURLSession
2. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(二) —— NSURLRequest和NSMutableURLRequest
3. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(三) —— NSURLConnection
4. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(四) —— NSURLSession和NSURLConnection的区别
5. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(五) —— 关于NSURL加载系统(一)
6. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(六) —— 使用NSURLSession(二)
7. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(七) —— URL数据的编码和解码(三)
8. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(八) —— 处理重定向和其他请求更改(四)
9. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(九) —— 身份验证挑战和TLS链验证(五)
10. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十) —— 理解获取缓存(六)
11. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十一) —— Cookies和自定义协议(七)
12. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十二) —— URL Session的生命周期(八)
13. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十三) —— NSURLResponse(一)
14. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十四) —— NSHTTPCookie(一)
15. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十五) —— NSHTTPCookieStorage(一)
16. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十六) —— NSURLCache(一)
17. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十七) —— NSCachedURLResponse(一)
18. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十八) —— NSURLAuthenticationChallenge(一)
19. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十九) —— NSURLProtectionSpace(一)
1. Creating a credential - 创建凭证
+ credentialForTrust:
- 创建并返回
- 创建并返回
+ credentialWithUser:password:persistence:
- 使用给定的持久性设置创建并返回一个NSURLCredential对象,用于使用给定的用户名和密码进行Internet密码验证。
+ credentialWithIdentity:certificates:persistence:
- 使用给定的持久性设置创建并返回一个NSURLCredential对象,用于使用给定身份和给定客户端证书数组进行客户端证书身份验证。
- initWithIdentity:certificates:persistence:
- 返回客户端证书身份验证的NSURLCredential对象,该对象使用给定的持久性设置使用给定的身份和给定的客户端证书数组进行初始化。
- initWithTrust:
- 返回一个NSURLCredential对象,用于使用给定的接受信任进行初始化的服务器信任认证。
- initWithUser:password:persistence:
- 使用给定的持久性设置返回使用给定用户名和密码初始化的NSURLCredential对象。
2. Getting credential properties - 获取凭证属性
- 接收者的用户名。
- 凭据的证书,如果它是客户端证书凭据。
- 一个布尔值,指示接收者是否有密码。
- 接收者密码
- 此凭证的身份(如果它是客户证书凭证)。
- 接受者的持久化设置。
3. Constants
- 这些常量指定了凭证的保存期限。
1. NSURLCredential本类
@class NSURLCredential
@discussion This class is an immutable object representing an authentication credential. The actual type of the credential is determined by the constructor called in the categories declared below.
// 这个类是表示认证凭证的不可变对象。 凭证的实际类型由下面声明的类别中调用的构造函数确定。
@interface NSURLCredential : NSObject <NSSecureCoding, NSCopying>
__strong NSURLCredentialInternal *_internal;
@abstract Determine whether this credential is or should be stored persistently
@result A value indicating whether this credential is stored permanently, per session or not at all.
// 确定此凭证是否应持久存储或应该存储
// @result 一个值,指示此凭证是否是永久存储,每个会话还是根本不存储
// typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, NSURLCredentialPersistence) {
NSURLCredentialPersistenceSynchronizable API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0))
// };
@property (readonly) NSURLCredentialPersistence persistence;
2. NSURLCredential分类NSInternetPassword
@discussion This category defines the methods available to an NSURLCredential created to represent an internet password credential. These are most commonly used for resources that require a username and password combination.
// 此类别定义可用于创建用于表示Internet密码凭据的NSURLCredential的方法。
// 这些通常用于需要用户名和密码组合的资源。
@interface NSURLCredential(NSInternetPassword)
@method initWithUser:password:persistence:
@abstract Initialize a NSURLCredential with a user and password
@param user the username
@param password the password
@param persistence enum that says to store per session, permanently or not at all
@result The initialized NSURLCredential
// 使用用户名和密码实例化一个NSURLCredential对象。
- (instancetype)initWithUser:(NSString *)user password:(NSString *)password persistence:(NSURLCredentialPersistence)persistence;
@method credentialWithUser:password:persistence:
@abstract Create a new NSURLCredential with a user and password
@param user the username
@param password the password
@param persistence enum that says to store per session, permanently or not at all
@result The new autoreleased NSURLCredential
// 使用用户名和密码实例化一个NSURLCredential对象。
+ (NSURLCredential *)credentialWithUser:(NSString *)user password:(NSString *)password persistence:(NSURLCredentialPersistence)persistence;
@abstract Get the username
@result The user string
// 获取用户名
@property (nullable, readonly, copy) NSString *user;
@abstract Get the password
@result The password string
@discussion This method might actually attempt to retrieve the
password from an external store, possible resulting in prompting,
so do not call it unless needed.
// 获取密码,此方法实际上可能试图从外部存储中检索密码,可能导致提示,因此除非需要,否则不要调用它。
@property (nullable, readonly, copy) NSString *password;
@abstract Find out if this credential has a password, without trying to get it
@result YES if this credential has a password, otherwise NO
@discussion If this credential's password is actually kept in an
external store, the password method may return nil even if this
method returns YES, since getting the password may fail, or the
user may refuse access.
// 找出这个凭证是否有密码,如果此凭证的密码实际上保存在外部存储中,
// 如果此凭证的密码实际上保存在外部存储中,那么即使此方法返回YES,
// 密码方法也可能返回nil,因为获取密码可能会失败,或者用户可能拒绝访问。
@property (readonly) BOOL hasPassword;
3. NSURLCredential分类NSClientCertificate
@discussion This category defines the methods available to an NSURLCredential created to represent a client certificate credential. Client certificates are commonly stored on the users computer in the keychain and must be presented to the server during a handshake.
// 此类别定义可用于创建用于表示客户端证书凭证的NSURLCredential的方法。
// 客户端证书通常存储在钥匙串中的用户计算机上,并且在握手期间必须呈现给服务器。
@interface NSURLCredential(NSClientCertificate)
@method initWithIdentity:certificates:persistence:
@abstract Initialize an NSURLCredential with an identity and array of at least 1 client certificates (SecCertificateRef)
@param identity a SecIdentityRef object
@param certArray an array containing at least one SecCertificateRef objects
@param persistence enum that says to store per session, permanently or not at all
@result the Initialized NSURLCredential
// 使用至少一个客户端证书(SecCertificateRef)的标识和数组初始化NSURLCredential
- (instancetype)initWithIdentity:(SecIdentityRef)identity certificates:(nullable NSArray *)certArray persistence:(NSURLCredentialPersistence)persistence API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(3.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
@method credentialWithIdentity:certificates:persistence:
@abstract Create a new NSURLCredential with an identity and certificate array
@param identity a SecIdentityRef object
@param certArray an array containing at least one SecCertificateRef objects
@param persistence enum that says to store per session, permanently or not at all
@result The new autoreleased NSURLCredential
// 用身份证书和证书数组创建一个新的NSURLCredential
+ (NSURLCredential *)credentialWithIdentity:(SecIdentityRef)identity certificates:(nullable NSArray *)certArray persistence:(NSURLCredentialPersistence)persistence API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(3.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
@abstract Returns the SecIdentityRef of this credential, if it was created with a certificate and identity
@result A SecIdentityRef or NULL if this is a username/password credential
// 返回此凭据的SecIdentityRef(如果它是使用证书和身份创建的)
// @result 如果这是用户名/密码凭证,则为SecIdentityRef或NULL
@property (nullable, readonly) SecIdentityRef identity;
@abstract Returns an NSArray of SecCertificateRef objects representing the client certificate for this credential, if this credential was created with an identity and certificate.
@result an NSArray of SecCertificateRef or NULL if this is a username/password credential
// 如果此凭证是使用标识和证书创建的,则返回表示此凭证的客户端证书的SecCertificateRef对象的NSArray。
// @result 如果这是一个用户名/密码凭证,返回SecCertificateRef的一个NSArray或者NULL
@property (readonly, copy) NSArray *certificates API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(3.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
4. NSURLCredential分类NSServerTrust
@interface NSURLCredential(NSServerTrust)
@method initWithTrust:
@abstract Initialize a new NSURLCredential which specifies that the specified trust has been accepted.
@result the Initialized NSURLCredential
// 初始化一个新的NSURLCredential,它指定指定的信任已被接受。
- (instancetype)initWithTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(3.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
@method credentialForTrust:
@abstract Create a new NSURLCredential which specifies that a handshake has been trusted.
@result The new autoreleased NSURLCredential
// 创建一个指定握手已被信任的新NSURLCredential。
+ (NSURLCredential *)credentialForTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(3.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));