5G:期待中发展 质疑中生长——王喜瑜
5G 处于发展的第一阶段,目前仍存诸多挑战。技术进步促进 5G 规模商用。
5G is in the first stage of development, and is still facing many challenges. Technological progress promotes the large-scale commercial use of 5G.
产品的性能、集成度和功耗等核心指标,由芯片决定。7 nm 工艺与芯片将促进 5G 的批量规模商用。
The core indicators(指标) such as product performance, integration(集成,一体化) and power consumption are determined by the chip(芯片). The 7 nm process and chip will promote the large-scale commercial use of 5G in batches.
异厂家集成是 5G 核心网(5GC)商用的最大挑战。
However, integration of different manufacturers is the biggest challenge for 5G Core (5GC) commercial use.
The end-to-end(端到端) automatic deployment across(跨) Radio Access Network (RAN), Transmission Network (TN) and Core Network (CN) from the same manufacturer can be realized by network slices.
Automatic deployment of end-to-end slices from different manufacturers also requires carriers(运营商) to improve management domain specifications(规范).
具备 5G 端到端能力的厂商,在 4G 向5G 切换的时间窗,拥有集成调试和频谱利用的优势。
The manufacturers with 5G end-to-end capability have the advantages of integrated debugging and spectrum utilization in the time window of 4G to 5G switching.
5G 带动真实世界的数字化转型,使运营商再次迎来分享新基建红利的机遇。
5G drives the digitalization of the real world, which brings opportunities for carries once again to share the new infrastructure dividends(红利).
The digital transformation of industry application requires the construction of an open and prosperous ecosystem for multiple manufacturers.