
2019-05-18  本文已影响0人  春天的姜卷卷花


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背书任务 背书任务



【第十一章】三十辐共一毂(gǔ),当其无,有车之用。埏埴(shān zhí)以为器,当其无,有器之用。

凿户牖(yǒu)以为室,当其无,有室之用。故有之以为利,无之以为用。 〖译文〗

【第十二章】 五色令人目盲,五音令人耳聋,五味令人口爽,驰骋畋(tián)猎令人心发狂,难得之货令

人行妨。是以圣人为腹不为目,故去彼取此。 〖译文〗






If you love somebody enough, you'll follow wherever they go.

That's how I got to Memphis, that' how I got to Memphis.

If you love somebody enough, you'll go where your heart wants to go.

That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis.

I know if you'd seen her, you'd tell me, cause your are my friend.

I've got to find her and find out the trouble she's in.

If you tell me that she's not here, I'll follow the trail of her tears.

That's how I got to the Memphis, that's how I got to the Memphis.

She would get mad and she used to say, that she'd come back to Memphis someday.

That's how I got to Memphis, that's howI got to Memphis.

I haven't eaten a bite or slept for three days and nights.

That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis.

I've got to find her and tell her that I love her, so I'll never rest till I find out why she had to go.

Thank you for your precious time, forgive me if I start to cry and

That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis.

That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis.

That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis.

That's how I got to Memphis.


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