

2017-05-12  本文已影响439人  七老师

**In the name of GDP **

In China, a TV soap on corruption attracts a mass following



And one character—an official obsessed with GDP growth—becomes a cult hero

cult film/band/figure etc: a film, music group etc that has become very popular but only among a particular group of people


1)RARELY has a Chinese city boss had more fans than Li Dakang, the earnest, driven Communist Party chief of Jingzhou. “I want development, I want speed and I want GDP,” he recently intoned. “But I want it to be modern GDP, GDP that comes without pollution.” Over the past month tens of millions have tuned in to watch him strive to fulfil these promises. On their smartphones, they share images of the heavy-eyed man with an easy smile, quoting his words and cheering him on. His policies have even been immortalised in a musical tribute, “The GDP Song”.

driven: trying extremely hard to achieve what you want
tuned in: to watch or listen to a broadcast on radio or television

1)几乎没有一位中国的城市领导人比李达康的粉丝更多,他是认真的、有内驱力的京州共产党领导。 “我想要发展,我想要速度,我想要GDP”,他最近吟诵道。 “但我希望它是现代化的GDP,没有污染的GDP。”过去几个月,数千万人打开电视来观看他努力实现这些承诺。在他们的智能手机上,他们分享这位有着轻松笑容、沉重眼皮的男人的照片,引用他的话语并为他加油。他的政策甚至在音乐颂歌——“GDP之歌”中永生不息

2)Li Dakang is not real, nor is Jingzhou. They exist only on “In the Name of the People”, a wildly popular 55-part television series about China’s battle against graft. Since its first broadcast in March, the show has attracted attention for its depiction of official corruption, unusual in the context of Chinese censorship. Less noted is the insight it has offered into a range of China’s economic problems—not just in its storyline but in the viewing public’s reaction.

graft: especially AmE the practice of obtaining money or advantage by the dishonest use of influence or power


3)The show touches on economic topics often too hot for the Chinese media to handle. Factory workers clash with police after a bankruptcy wipes out their company shares. A senior leader’s child amasses big stakes in local firms for his family. A small-business owner ends up in hock to loan sharks. Local bankers demand “consulting fees” when extending loans, pocketing the cash. (So realistic is this portrayal that the Chinese press reports that Guo Shuqing, the country’s most senior banking regulator, pointed to the show in a warning to banks at a recent meeting.)

in hock: in debt
e.g. The fashion chain is still in hock to the banks.
pocket: to steal money, especially money that you are responsible for
point to: to suggest that something is true

3)这个节目涉及的经济话题往往太热以至于中国媒体不敢碰。工厂工人与警方冲突,在破产使他们的公司股份流失后。一位资深领导的孩子为家人积累了当地公司的大笔股份。一个小公司的业主以欠高利贷而告终。本地银行家在提供贷款时要求“咨询费”,把钱放进自己腰包。 (这一描写如此真实以至于中国媒体报道,国家最高级别的银行业监管者郭树清在最近的一次会议上向银行发出警告,指出这一幕很现实

4)The most consistent economic storyline is Li’s relentless pursuit of growth and the problems this narrow focus brings. He himself seems clean, but turns a blind eye to corruption around him. His insistence on moving quickly causes real harm. As a young official, a frenzied drive to build a country road leads to a village chief’s death. Later in his career, his hasty decision to bulldoze a factory sparks a protest in which more than 30 people are injured.


5)This sorry record seems grounds to object to Li. Instead, this flawed figure is by far the show’s most beloved, more so than the dedicated, upright officials who lead the party’s anti-graft battle. Online merchants, a good bellwether of trends, have started selling versions of the sleeveless jumper and tea Thermos that he favours. The internet memes doing the rounds —for instance, a pledge to “defend GDP” for Li’s sake—are partly in jest but do reveal support for public servants in his mould.

grounds: a good reason for doing, believing, or saying something
bellwether: If you describe something as a bellwether, you mean that it is an indication of the way a situation is changing.
meme: an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture
do the rounds:if a story, idea, or illness does the rounds, it is passed on from one person to another
e.g. a joke doing the rounds
jest:something you say that is intended to be funny, not serious
in one's mould: if someone is in a particular mould, or fits into a particular mould, they have all the attitudes and qualities typical of a type of person


6)Why is Li Dakang so liked? In part because, warts and all, he is more believable than the saintly officials seeking to snuff out corruption. But there is more to it. Even when Li makes mistakes, his obsession with growth is very well received. Cautious, clean officials who err on the side of inaction are seen in a much less flattering light. In recent years China has started to emphasise policy goals other than GDP, from promoting culture to protecting the environment. Li Dakang-mania shows there are limits to this shift, and not just because of the government. Fast growth is still immensely popular.

warts and all: All defects and imperfections notwithstanding 尽管有各种缺点与瑕疵
err on the side of sth: display more rather than less of (a specified quality) in one's actions.
** in a good, bad, favourable, etc. light**: if you see sth or put sth in a good, bad, etc. light, it seems good, bad, etc
flattering: If something is flattering, it makes you appear more attractive.






