
2019-02-16  本文已影响0人  蕾蕾净芳

let's define listening as making meaning from sound .It's a mental process ,and it's a process of extraction. In fact ,i would suggest that our listening is the main way that we experience the flow of time from past to future . So ,"Sonority is time and meaning " -a great quote . 


We‘re becoming impatient. we don't want oratory anymore ,we want sound bites .And the art of conversation is being replaced-dangerously, i think -by personal broadcasting .交谈的艺术,正在被个人的平时语言所取代,我认为这个是很危险的。

The first one is silence .Just three minutes a day of silence is a wonderful exercise to reset your ears and to recalibrate, so that you can hear the quiet again .首先是安静,每天只要拿出三分钟的时间让自己安静下来。就是一个很好的练习,来让听觉系统进行 重置和调整。 从而再次感受宁静。

The second one  i called “mixer”,So even if you 're in a noisy environment like this -so how many individual channels in that mix am i listening to ? 

Third ,this exercise i call "savoring " and this is a beautiful exercise .It's about enjoying mundane sounds.  第三点称为“品味声音”。

This is listening positions -the idea that you can move your listening position to what's appropriate to what you are listening to .

RASA stands for 

"Receive " ,which means pay attention to the person.

"Appreciate "making little noises  like "hmm" "oh" "ok" 

"Summarize " -the word "so" is very important in communication.

"Ask" ask questions afterwards .


