英语流利说 懂...

L6-U3-P1 英语流利说 6-3-1 懂你英语 Level6

2019-01-17  本文已影响74人  Zeda_BAE

L6-U3-P1-1 Listening : Cyber Theft 1

Cyber Theft

John is the owner of a small consulting business.

Last night, some important documents were stolen from John's office.

They were locked up in the safe, and the only way to open the safe was with an 8-digit access code.

Whoever got into the safe must have had that code.

So now, he is trying to figure out who could have gotten it.

- access code

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

To improve security, John changed the code every month.

He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

As far as he knew, nobody else had it, or had ever asked to use it to get something from the safe.

There was no reason for Sylvia to take the documents, so he couldn’t imagine that it was her.

That wouldn't make sense, and she was completely trustworthy.

Besides, she was on a business trip, and wouldn't be back for several more days.

So somebody else must have had the code and stolen the documents.

If so, who was it and how did they get the code?

- she was completely trustworthy.

(1) Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code. 
(2) He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia. 
(3) There was noreason for Sylvia to take the documents, so hecouldn’t imagine that it was her.
(4) That wouldn't make sense, and she was completelytrustworthy.

One possibility is that the code was written down somewhere, maybe in a notebook.

Sylvia was famous for writing things down.

She had a notoriously bad memory, so she kept a lot of notes.

Maybe she wasn't careful, and someone looked through her notes and discovered the code.

But Sylvia wasn’t that careless or irresponsible.

She would never have written the code down on a piece of paper.

So that couldn't be the answer.

- She had a notoriously bad memory

Last night, some important documents were stolen from John's office.

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

To improve security, John changed the code every month.

He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

The only way to open the safe was with an 8-digit access code.

L6-U3-P1-2 Listening : Cyber Theft 2

Another possibility is that somebody hacked into her computer.

She had probably stored the code somewhere on her computer, and the theft was able to get it from there.

But who could it have been?

Suddenly he realized that there was a new IT guy in the office.

He maintained the company’s computer network and provided technical supportfor the staff.

Perhaps he was the guilty one.

If anyone could have done it, he certainly had the skills.

He was a security expert, and he had helped Sylvia install something on her computer last week.

To hack into a computer means ...to use it to gain unauthorized access to data.

Suddenly he realized that there was a new IT guy in the office. He maintained the company’s computer network and provided technical support for the staff.

If anyone could have done it, he had the necessary skills.

Suddenly he realized that there was a new IT guy in the office.

She probably stored the access code somewhere on her computer.

Then, John realized that nobody had doune a proper background check on the guy.

One of the other engineers in the company had recommended him, and he seemed nice.

They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn’t check his background very carefully.

Suddenly he had a bad feeling.

Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.

To his horror, he found that a large amount of money was missing from one of the accounts.

There had been a large withdrawal earlier that morning, more than 75,000 dollars.

He then discovered that the money had been wired to an account in another country.

So, not only did the IT guy get the access code for the safe, but he also got the log-in information for the bank.

This was a disaster.

Besides getting the access codek, what else was the thief able to do? - He was able to get into the compan's bank accounts

What did he discover when he checked the company's bank account? - A lot of money was missing.

(1) Suddenly he had a bad feeling.
(2) Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.
(3) To his horror, he found that a large amount of money was missing from one of the accounts.
(4)There had been a large withdrawal earlier that morning, more than 75,000 dollars.

He suddenly realized that the thief might have gone after more than just the access code.

John immediately called the police and reported the incident.

He also called the bank to see if they could stop the transaction.

Unfortunately, they said it was too late; the transaction had gone through.

Just then, John got an email with the subject line: "from the IT guy."

It showed a smiley face and said, "Thank you for being so stupid."

Don’t waste your time trying to find me.

I’ve left the country and will never return.

Be thankful that I didn’t take everything in the account.

This should be a good lesson for you.

It was signed, "Your IT guy".

- the withdrawal of money

Don’t waste your time trying to find me.

Besides getting the access code, what else was the thief able to do?

Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.

They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn't check his background very carefully.

There was no reason for Sylvia to take the documents, so he couldn't imagine that it was her.

He tried to stop the withdrawal of money from the account, but it was too late.

He should have learned to take security seriously, which also means to do background checks.

He was horrified when he found that a large amount of money was missing.

They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn't check his background very carefully.

There was no reason for Sylvia to take the documents, so he couldn't imagine that it was her.

Besides getting the access code, what else was the thief able to do?

Besides getting the access code, he was able to get into the company's bank accounts.

John immediately called the police and reported the incident.

L6-U3-P1-3 Dialogue : Presentation&Feedback

Presentation & Feedback

Well, what did you think of my presentation.

Do you want me to be frank? 

I know you worked very hard on it.

Yes, give it to me straight. 

I have my own opinion too, but I'd appreciate your comments and suggestions.

You said you have your own opinion about it.

So how do you think it went?

I thought it went okay at first, but I could feel that there were some bad transitions.

I think I spent too much time on some slides and didn’t express them well.

What kind of feed back does he want? - an honest assessment.

- He thought it was okay but had some problems.

I agree on most points. 

But to me, it was flat. 

Five minutes into it, I had a hard time paying attention.

Flat? Do you mean my voice?

Yes, that’s part of it. 

There is very little passion, almost like you were reading it. 

I’m sure you can do better.

- It has no high or low points.

- She lost interest in it.

There is very little passion, almost like you were reading it.

Well, what did you think of my presentation.

I know you worked very hard on it.

Do you have any suggestions?

First, let me say that I liked the slides themselves. 

The designs were nice and easy to read. 

But the one thing you didn’t do was engage with the audience. 

You focused on the slides and didn’t address the audience.

Oh, I was trying to, but I guess I was too nervous. 

I didn’t want to forget anything.

- He failed to engage with the audience

You have a great smile. 

You need to show that smile and your expressions when you present. 

Make eye contact.

When you present, I notice you always do that.

And you pause between ideas. 

But it seems so easy for you.

For me, I look at the faces in the audience. 

I watch their expressions. 

I really try to communicate with them. 

Once I do that, it comes naturally, because it becomes real communication.

What comes naturally after she trys to communicate with the audience? - She's able to connect with them.

For me, I look at the faces in the audience. I watch their expressions. I really try to communicate with them. Once I do that, it comes naturally, because it becomes real communication.

I really try to communicate with them.

She pauses between ideas and make eye contact with the audience.

You focused on the slides and didn’t address the audience.

You seem to enjoy it.

Well, I’m always nervous too before I get started. 

But once I connect with the audience, I’m okay.

So connecting with the audience is the key. 

Focus on them and not me, right?

Yes, well put. 

In fact, if you do that, you will have to adjust your presentation. 

It has to flow like in a real conversation. 

We have to respond to each other. 

And the pauses are so that the presentation can breathe.

What helps get rid of nervousness? - Connecting with the audience.

So connecting with the audience is the key. Focus on them and not me, right? Yes, well put. In fact, if you do that, you will have to adjust your presentation. It has to flow like in a real conversation. We have to respond to each other. And the pauses are so that the presentation can breathe.

Hmm, it seems so obvious, but I’ve never thought of it like that. 

That’s a great advice. 

I wish we had talked before my presentation.

If we had, you may not have been open like you are now. 

Anyway, I’m sure your next presentations will improve. 

It takes practice like anything. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself. 

No, I won’t. 

But next time I will do better and I hope you are there.

OK, well, let’s get back to work.

What kind of attitude does he have? - It's positive.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

He has a very positive attitude which should help him grow.

She describes a good presentication as if it were alive and breathing.

A presentation is flat if it has no high or low points, which makes it boring.

Connecting with the audience is a good way to get rid of nervousness

L6-U3-P1-4 Reading : Depletion of Fossil Fuels

Depletion of Fossil Fuels

A number of scientists are emphasizing the tremendous challenges that will soon be faced when the depletion of fossil fuel supplies coincides with an alarming increase in the global population. They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today. To assume that an abundant source of renewable energy will address this challenge is to ignore the vital non-fuel uses of petrochemicals.

Then there is the challenge posed to the current levels of mobility. As a fuel, gasoline is unrivalled in its portability. Electricity requires bulky batteries and hydrogen is notoriously difficult to store. Biofuels might seem like an alternative, but the energy consumed when converting corn into bioethanol, for instance, greatly exceeds the output when the fuel is utilized. In any case, once we reach a crisis in the food supply, it will not make sense to divert food crops to other uses.

Although there seems to be a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end due to some technological remedy, this may be mistaken. Relying on such an assumptioncan lead to complacency and a failure to take precautions. Experts may not be able to come up with the kind of solution that can lead to a pain-free transition. Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population. The absence of realistic alternative to fossil fuels will mean that the first priority will be to curb the demand for food.

The aim of the article is to ...highlight the seriousness of the situation.

- It fuels machinery.

To be complacent means ...To be satisfied with things as they are.

If there is an abundant quantity of something, ...there is plenty.

They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. 

Although there seems to be a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end due to some technological remedy, this may be mistaken.

Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today. To assume that an abundant source of renewable energy will address this challenge is to ignore the vital non-fuel uses of petrochemicals.

A number of scientists are emphasizing the tremendous challenges that will soon be faced when the depletion of fossil fuel supplies coincides with an alarming increase in the global population. They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today.

(1) A number of scientists are emphasizing the tremendous challenges that will soon be faced when the depletion of fossil fuel supplies coincides with an alarming increase in the global population.
(2) They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
(3) Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today.
(4) To assume that an abundant source of renewable energy will address this challenge is to ignore the vital non-fuel uses of petrochemicals.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture pesticides which are important for agriculture.

There is a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end.

As fossil fuels become depleted, there may not be enough food for the growing population.

Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today.

Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population.

There is a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture pesticides which are important for agriculture.

Curbing the demand for food will require a reduction in the global birth rate.

L6-U3-P1-5 Reading : Meaning of Catch 22

Meaning of Catch 22

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term 'a catch 22 situation' was introduced.The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that’s worth exploring.

First, it’s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims.

One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don’t fly.

Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for.They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others, this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane. One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him.

When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you’re wasting your time, you’re not crazy”.

Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was.

“There is no point. He’s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can’t decide whether you are crazy or not.”

“Clevinger isn’t crazy! he’s one of the sanest pilots here.”

“So he’s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He’s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he’s had.”“well, if he’s crazy, why don’t you ground him?”

“I can’t unless he asks to be grounded. That’s part of the rule.”

“So all he has to do is ask?”

“no, then I can’t ground him.”

“So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight.

“Sure, there’s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can’t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”.

“there’s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian.

“it’s the best there is,” the Doc replied.

- to amuse

- It was first used in a novel of the same name.

To be fit to fly means ...to meet the required standards.

To believe in principles means ...to have a set of basic truths that guide one's actions.

It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that’s worth exploring.

“Clevinger isn’t crazy! he’s one of the sanest pilots here.”

When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you’re wasting your time, you’re not crazy”.

In the novel, the term 'a catch 22 situation' was introduced.The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that’s worth exploring.

(1) First, it’s important to put the phrase into context.
(2) In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean.
(3) They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. (4) Many have already lost their lives.
(5) The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims.

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22.

Many have already lost their lives.

They were willing to give their lives for their country.

The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims.

“He’s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he’s had.”

If he asks to be grounded he isn't crazy.

To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind.

The term has nothing to do with catching anything. 

 It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly.

” Crazy people can’t decide whether you are crazy or not.”

A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.

They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. 

Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for.

“well, if he’s crazy, why don’t you ground him?”


Once gaining in power, he fought against corruption and began to restructure the government.

If he hadn’t acted against the aristocracy, he wouldn’t have created as many enemies.

He appointed the members of his army to rule while he was away from Rome.

A disabled person is someone who generally needs some kind of living assistance.

With an ageing population, health problems become a growing concern.

Elderly people are often referred to as senior citizens.

She would never have written the code down on a piece of paper.

The only way to open the safe was with an 8-digit access code.

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

After a power struggle, Octavian strengthened his position as leader and ruled the empire for many years.

Caesar should have been aware that many of the senators hated him, but he dimissed his security force not long before the assassination.

He contributed to his own death by not realizing how his actions had angered so many powerful men.

It's expensive to develop new drugs, and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved.

He exercises every day and tries to get enough sleep, but that may not be enough to keep him him healthy.

He would like to retire within the next few years, but he won't be able to unless he has enough money.

Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work inthe country.

The high-ranking positions he had given as rewards had no real authority.

For the aristocracy, to live without power was humiliating.

There's a start-up that has contacted me, and I'm planning to join them as soon as I can.

Those in the labor force are the productive part of the population.

For afuturist like Ray, this would be heaven, a virtual heaven.

Another possibility is that somebody hacked into her computer.

John immediately called the police and reported the incident.

To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them.

The route was published several days earlier in the local newspapers.

Perhaps if he hadn't been so arrogant, or acted like a god he would have surrived.

If the fatal shot had been off by just a little, Kennedy might have survived.

Maybe your plan will work. If so, I'll be the first to congratulate you.

It's clear that he is going to resign because he no longer supports the CEO.

He has suspected that there was a problem, so he isn't surprised by the news.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture pesticides which are important for agriculture.

Agriculture is heavily dependent on gasoline to fuel machinery.

He was horrified when he found that a large amount of money was missing.


