Random Thoughts(Day3)

2018-04-22  本文已影响0人  李兆伟_92fa

  I found a job recently. My office is in the town, so I had to move to my aunt's home. There is a spare room which belonged to my cousin who moved out when she had gotten married last summer. My mom always call me when I return after work every day. She keeps putting me on her mind. I love my mom very much although she sometimes doesn't understand me. I want to get rid of my glasses because I feel uncomfortable every time I wear them. My dad gave me the money needed for the laser operation right away. I love my dad as well for he has tried his best to offer me a good life. I promise I will repay them one day. And I will strive to make them happier at this very moment. In a word, I have a wonderful family and they all love me deeply.

  When I left a place taking a train, I met some unforgettable young people. One of them had taught me something. I need to pay attention not to bringing any trouble to others. It is a merit that I easily ignore before. For example, I will stand at the right side when I'm taking the eacalator in case that someone behind me would have an emergency. Such little things will make my social life more smooth. It is happy to be a wise person. I have read one sentence which gave me a deep impression a few days ago. It says that it is possible to keep your true self and become one member of the collective many at the same time. I'm a person of character which means a lot of people don't like me because I make them feel uneasy in my presence. It rained yesterday and I felt extremely cold when I was ridind my electric bicycle on my way home. The weather is so changeable that I should keep that in my mind.

  I went to the Xinhua Bookstore near my office the other day. I had a wonderful experience there. A few children were reading books sitting on the ground and I really got the right feeling to do my reading. I have read some inspiring short stories in a book that morning. I will finish that book next week. And I also want to finish the Harry Potter before I go to Beijing. I need to experience more different things to make me more mature in mind. Therefore I will step out my comfort zone as many times as possible. I will not confine myself in a small space again. I want to travel to Russia this year. I love the Russian Literature the most. They have taught me so much on important matters. I have found my inner peace by reading them. Good books are always my teachers.


