

2016-09-26  本文已影响163人  711child

在上Coursera"设计原理"这门课的时候,第一节课作业要求举出违背distributed cognition 分布式认知的例子。对分布式认知其实在课上不是很理解,于是我在作业评论下提问,得到了这样的回答:

Cognition is distributed because of all that surrounds us: the environment, which includes things, humans, non-humans, everything that surrounds, affects, shapes us. Simply, cognition is always distributed, but with reference with particular things we may talk about affordances. We perceive the function of a thing immediately, in the same way we perceive colors and forms. Cognition is distributed because there are affordances. An affordance provides us with clues that help us to use a specific thing. The term "affordance" has been coined by Gibson in 1979, in his bookThe Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Very important: he formulates a theory of direct perception! He states that the affordances of the environment are all about what the environment does offer, what it does provide us with, for better or for worse.

A sharp object invites us to cut, and we can use it as a knife. On the other hand, a knife is an object that not only invites us to cut, but it has also been thought and designed to cut.



比如说呢,你能举出网页、app设计中分布式认知的正例或反例吗 :)

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