
Taylor Swift used facial recogni

2019-01-08  本文已影响0人  清晨起床满满正能量_Go


facial recognition 人脸识别(技术)

stalker/ˈstɔːkər/ n. 跟踪者;(尤指)跟踪骚扰女性者
e.g. Several women have been troubled by stalkers recently.

periphery/pəˈrɪfəri/ n. 外围,周边
e.g. Many of the developing countries are being kept on the periphery of the global financial system.

thought out/θɔːt ˈaʊt/ adj. 经过(仔细或仓促)考虑的
a well-thought-out plan
The plan is badly thought out.

merchandise/ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪz/ n. 商品,货物
e.g. merchandise the new product. (v.)

stand/stænd/ n. 货摊;台子
e.g. a newspaper stand

adj. 专用的,专门的;尽心尽力的
e.g. a dedicated teacher a dedicated computer

staging point n. 待命区;中转站;补给站
e.g. staging area / staging post / staging base

bracelet/ˈbreɪslət/ n. 手环,手镯;手链

rehearsal/rɪˈhɜːrsl/ n. 排练,排演,彩排
e.g. rehearse for the concert (v.)

kiosk/ˈkiːɑːsk/ n. 售货亭;便亭
e.g. newspaper kiosk / ticket kiosk

cross-reference /ˌkrɔːs ˈrefrəns/ n./v. 互相参照;交叉对照
e.g. Each chapter is referenced. The book is cross-referenced.

technically/ˈteknɪkli/ adv. 严格意义上地,严格来说
e.g. Technically, the two countries are still at war.

surveill/sɜːrˈveɪl/ v. 使受监视(surveillance n.)
e.g. You are under surveillance. / This is an area under surveillance.

restraining order/rɪˈstreɪnɪŋ ɔːrdər/ n.(法院发出的)限制令

harass/həˈræs, ˈhærəs/ v.骚扰;使烦恼(harassment n.)

threaten/ˈθretn/ v. 威胁;预示着(危险)
e.g. threaten the shopkeeper / threaten the farm
The clouds threatened rain.
He threatened to destroy the whole city.

be sentenced to 被判处(刑罚)
e.g. be sentenced to death

probation/proʊˈbeɪʃn/ n. 缓刑

convict/kənˈvɪkt/ v. (在法庭上)宣判…有罪
e.g. He has been convicted of robbery(抢劫案)

burglary/ˈbɜːrɡləri/ n. 入室盗窃(罪)

wanted/ˈwɑːntɪd/ adj. (因犯罪)被警方通缉的
e.g. He's a wanted man.

goer/ˈɡoʊər/ n. 常去(某种场所)的人 e.g. partygoer

The periphery of a Taylor Swift concert is as thought out as the show she presents on stage. Beyond the traditional merchandise stands, there are often dedicated selfie-staging points and staff distributing light-up bracelets. When Swift performed at the Los Angeles Rose Bowl venue, fans could watch rehearsal clips at a special kiosk.
What they didn’t know was that a facial recognition camera inside the structure was taking their photographs and cross-referencing the images with a database held in Nashville of hundreds of Swift’s known stalkers, according to a Rolling Stone report.
While some have raised privacy concerns over the ownership and storage of the images, concerts are technically private events, and Swift has no obligation to notify ticket holders that they may be surveilled. The Guardian has contacted Swift’s representatives for comment.
Swift has a number of known stalkers. In September, she got a restraining order against Eric Swarbrick, who had been harassing her with letters threatening rape and murder since September 2016. Also in May, Mohammed Jaffar was sentenced to six months in jail and five years’ probation having been convicted for burglary after he appeared at Swift’s New York home five times in two months.
斯威夫特有许多众所周知的跟踪者。去年 9 月,她申请到了针对埃里克·斯瓦布里克的限制令。自 2016 年 9 月以来,他一直用威胁强奸和谋杀的信件骚扰她。另外在去年 5 月,默罕默德·加法尔因在两个月内五次出现在斯威夫特在纽约的家中而被判入室盗窃罪,将入狱 6 个月,缓刑期 5 年。
The use of facial recognition software is rising at public events. In April, Chinese police used the technology to arrest a man attending a Jacky Cheung concert in Nanchang. The 31-year-old, who was wanted for “economic crimes”, was located among a crowd of 60,000 concert goers.
公共场合人脸识别软件的使用正呈上升趋势。去年 4 月,中国警方利用该技术逮捕了一名在南昌参加张学友演唱会的男子。今年 31 岁的他因“经济犯罪”而被通缉,他当时混在 6 万个演唱会观众之中。
A recent UN report criticised the use of facial recognition by police in south Wales during a peaceful demonstration as disproportionate and unnecessary.
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