BEC剑桥英语高级真题3 Test 2 Part 4 Work
Leisure Time
There are some people who really do live for their work and lead totally fulfilled lives with this as their only main focus. Are you one of them? If not, are you paying enough attention to your need for time away from work?
There are two big problems here. One is finding a job that does not involve excessive hours, a job where you are still taken seriously even in you don't frequently work late. The other is deciding how you want to spend your leisure time. If circumstances are conspiring to squeeze that last bit of precious personal time out of your week, then hang on to some time, even one hour a week, as scared. Building it into your diary and never let anyone talk you out of it. Even if it means doing an extra hour earlier in the week, it's worth it.
Another **avenue ** is to try to change the status quo. It is often middle management who want to see us at our desks 24 hours a day, regardless of output, whereas more objective senior managers may accept that going home on time is a more productive long-term strategy. Perhaps it's time for us to make a stand. Even if, in the short term, we cannot work fewer hours and so cannot find the leisure time we need, then at least we can bear it in mind as an aim for the future.