【汉化】YEP.156 – Map Quest Window
This plugin requires YEP_QuestJournal. Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_QuestJournal in the plugin list.
This plugin adds a new window to the map scene: a Quest Window to display whatever quest is currently active and its unfinished objectives. This way, the player can conveniently look at the needed quest objectives that are needed to be completed. The player can also set or clear the currently active quest from the Quest Journal System menu.
Instructions – Setting Up the Active Map Quest Window
The plugin parameter ‘Window Settings’ can also be left alone by default, but should you wish to alter it to fit your game’s settings, here’s what you need to know.
Word Wrap Objectives
– For those with YEP_MessageCore.js installed, you can set whether or not you want the objectives to be word wrapped. Enabling this would set quest objectives to become word wrapped and disabling it would not.
Default Show
– This will determine if you want this window to appear by default or not. This will have no bearing on the player’s Options menu command, but it will allow you to disable the Active Map Quest Window from the mechanical-driven side of the game.
Window Settings
– If you wish to customize the category window, you can adjust the various settings here to adjust its properties. However, keep in mind that unless you are familiar with JavaScript, you can make errors here that can make the windows not work in your game.
X: Graphics.boxWidth – width
Y: 0
Scale: 0.50
Width: Graphics.boxWidth / 3
Line Height: 36
Font Face: GameFont
Font Size: 28
Standard Padding: 18
Text Padding: 6
Standard Opacity: 255
Back Opacity: 192
Window Skin: Window
Plugin Commands
You can use the following plugin commands to change the behavior of the Map Quest Window.
Plugin Commands:
SetActiveQuest x
– Sets the active quest to x.
– Refreshes the map quest window.
– Changes the Active Map Quest Window to be visible/hidden. This will not override the player’s Options Menu’s setting to hide the window.