English Interview Topics

2024-08-21  本文已影响0人  ahking17

current situation

我的现状是, 我今年5月从阿里辞职, 已经申请了技术移民到加拿大, 不过目前工签在安调中, 因此, 我大概需要1年半以后才能登录加拿大温哥华. 在这段时间, 我希望能找到一个适合自己的副业, 充分发挥我自己的技术特长.
My current situation is that I resigned /rɪˈzaɪn/ from Alibaba in May this year and have applied for skilled immigration /ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/ to Canada, but my work visa /ˈviːzə/ is in the process, waiting for the security check result from Canadian Border Services Agency. so I expect that it will take about a year and a half before I can go to Vancouver, Canada. During this time, I hope to find a side job that suits me, and give full play to my own technical expertise /ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz/.

job experience in general

我一共有15年左右的软件开发经验, 主要集中在移动端平台的framework和app开发上, 最近6年我在国内阿里巴巴工作, 作为技术leader管理一个双端的开发团队和作为技术专家负责小说应用的功能开发和整体的稳定性优化工作. 在加入阿里之前, 我前后在motorola, mtk和intel windriver从事软件开发工作, 其中在windriver工作期间, 我有机会去荷兰的埃因霍温工作, 同tomtom的开发团队一起完成导航系统的开发项目.

关于技术栈, 我精通android app的开发, like 浏览器, 各种类型的工具类应用, weather app, 视频播放应用, 小说应用等等. 我也做过些android framework的开发, 包括webkit, mediacodec. 对于其他的技术栈也有一些了解, 例如iOS, 服务端开发, 网页前端开发.

关于我的学习经历, 我毕业于北京理工大学的本科和研究生, 在研究生毕业前进入motorola公司做实习生, 毕业后比较顺利的转正在motorola工作.

I have about 15 years of software development experience, mainly focusing on framework and app development for mobile platforms, especially for android. In the past 6 years, I have worked at Alibaba in China, leading an android & iOS team as a technical leader, and responsible for the function module dev and overall stability /stəˈbɪləti/ optimization for a ebook applications as a technical expert. Before joining Alibaba, I worked at Motorola, MTK MediaTek, a chip company in Taiwan and Intel WindRiver. During my time at WindRiver, I had the opportunity to work in Eindhoven /ˈentˌhovən/, the Netherlands, and completed a navigation system development project with the TomTom software team.

Regarding my development stack, I am proficient in Android app development, like browsers, various types of tool apps, weather apps, video apps, novel /ˈnɒv(ə)l/ apps, etc. /ˌet ˈsetərə/ I am also familiar with some Android framework development, including webkit and mediacodec. I also have some understanding of other technology stacks, such as iOS, server-side, and web front-end development, like nodejs, express, html, css. etc.

about my study experience, I graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a bachelor's and master's degree. Before graduating, I joined Motorola as an intern. so I successfully became a software engineer at Motorola after graduation.
that’s it.

about hobbies

我有一个规律的运动习惯, 一周跳绳2到3次, 每次5000个. 并且游泳至少一次. 同时, 我是一个业余的铁三运动员, 去年参加了北京金海湖的铁三比赛. 在这些运动中, 游泳和自行车是我最喜欢的.
I have a regular exercise habit, I jump rope 2 to 3 times a week, 5000 times each time. And I swim at least once a week. At the same time, I am an amateur /ˈæmətər/ triathlete /traɪˈæθliːt/, and I participated /pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ in the triathlon competition in Beijing Jinhai Lake last year. Among these sports, swimming and cycling are my favorites.

about English level

我之前在外企工作了7,8年, 经验开英文电话会议, 例如当我在motorola工作的时候, 我们每周和法国软件开发部门需要开周会用英文. 在windriver工作期间, 我去荷兰和tomtom的开发部门一起工作完成项目. 因此, 我觉得我的商务英文沟通能力还可以. 这几年在国内的互联网公司工作, 工作中使用英文口语和写作的机会不多, 不过这几年我也在持续地学习英文, 前年考了雅思, 均分是6. 虽然不是很高, 但我相信我的英文水平在工作中流畅使用是没问题的.

I worked at foreign companies for 7 or 8 years, and I often had conference calls in English. For example, when I worked at Motorola, our team weekly meetings with the French software team in English. During my time at WindRiver, I went to the Netherlands to work with TomTom's team to carry out project. Therefore, I think my English communication skill is OK for daily work. In the past few years, I have worked in domestic Internet companies and have few opportunities to use English at work. However, I have also been learning English persistently these years. I took the IELTS /ˈaɪelts/ test two years ago and my average score was 6. Although it is not very high, I believe that my English level is enough for business scenario.

system design topics

我会去研究些android开发上的一些前沿技术, 例如如何去实现一些复杂动画, 总结后我也会录制教学视频, 放到youtube上.
I will study some latest technologies in Android development, such as how to implement some complex animations. After summarizing, I will also record teaching videos and publish them on YouTube.


