What is new this year
1Working holiday makers
For visa 417/462 working holiday holder,earned income at any time from 01/01/17-30/06/17.
The first $37,000 will taxed at 15% and other income will be taxed according to your residency status, show your gross payment type H working holiday income at item 1 and your working holiday maker net income at item A4.
2 expanded access to small business concessions 加大对小生意的扶持力度
from 01/07/2016 the small business entity aggregated turnover thresholds for a range of small business concession increased from $2million to $10milliin
当然也有个别收入1千万以下却不能享受福利的the $10 million aggregate turnover threshold applies to most of the small business concessions, except for
The small businesses income tax offset, which is available to business with aggregated turnover of less than 5 million from 01/07/16
Income tax offset 还是5百万门槛
CGT still use threshold of 2million
CGT 还是2百万的门槛
FBT 10million from 01/04/17
FBT 腐败税从今年愚人节开始,门槛是1千万
3 small business income tax offset from 01/06/16
The discount rate for the small business income tax offset increase to 8% was 5% with a limit of $1000 each year
The offset applies to small business with aggregate turnover of less than 5million was 2 million
4changes to foreign employment income exemptions
5 farm management deposit reforms
6 capital gain withholding : impacts on foreign and Australian residents
New rules apply to purchasers and vendors of certain taxable Australian property under contracts entered into from 01/07/16. A 10% withholding will be applied to these transact at settle.
Australian resident vendors selling real property will need to obtain a clearance certificate from ATO prior settlement, to ensure the purchaser does not withhold an amount from those amount paid to ATO by purchaser
Taxable Australian real property with a market value of less than 2million is not subject to the new rules for the income year end 30/06/17
7 Tax incentives for early stage investors
From 01/07/16 investors who acquired newly issued shares in quality early stage innovat company may be eligible for a non- refundable carry forward tax offset equal to 20% of the amount paid for the Shares (and capped at a maximum $200,000 for each year for the investors and their affiliates combin )you claim this tax offset at itemT9
The investors must disregards any capital losses on these shares from a CGT event that take place in 16-17