“Do not be afraid, Adhi. Sister is here, sister will not let anyone hurt you. You can sleep well. My sister knows that these years, your mind is too big shadow, those evil twisted your soul. Don't be afraid. We'll drive the devil away together. Don't you believe in God? God is gracious to the devil. (雅荻,不要怕。姐姐就在这里,姐姐不会再让任何人伤害你。你安心睡吧。姐姐知道这些年,你的心理阴影太大,那些罪恶扭曲了你的灵魂。别怕,我们一起来把恶魔赶走。你们不是相信上帝吗?上帝是惠惩罚恶魔的。)”
雅荻靠在孟晓云的胸前,轻轻抽泣着。“Thank you, sister. Thank god you're here. You saved me from the demons. I will tell the whole truth and atone for what I have done. (谢谢你,姐姐。幸亏你们来了,是你们把我从恶魔的控制下拯救出来。我一定说出所有的真相,为自己所犯的错赎罪。)”
在审讯室,鹿鸣让孟晓云先给雅荻到了一杯水,然后很温和地说“Yadi, you did a good job yesterday, enough to be trusted by the police to call you as a witness. This is important to you. As you know, according to the British judicial interpretation, juveniles who have reached the age of 13 should bear the corresponding judicial responsibility. Based on your performance, we will petition the court to release you from judicial liability. I hope you continue to tell me what you know, and continue to assist the police in finding out the truth. (雅荻,你昨天的表现很好,你的表现足以获得警方信任,让你成为污点证人。这一点对你很重要。你是知道的,按照英国司法解释,年满13岁的少年,要承担相应的司法责任。根据你的表现,我们会向法院申请免除你的司法责任。希望你继续把知道的说出来,继续协助警方找出真相。)”
雅荻抬起头,看看鹿鸣,很认真点点头。“Thank you, officer. I will tell the truth as I know it.(谢谢警官。我会如实说出所知道的一切。)”
“So, shall we get started?(那么,我们可以开始吗?)”
“Tell me what you know about Betsy's murder.(你说一下,所知道的关于贝西遇害的情况。)”
“It was an afternoon, and Jenna and I were playing in her small yard, with some of her toys and her picture books. Bessie, the child next door, ran in and began to play with Jenna's toys. At first, Jenna didn't mind. But when Bessie grabbed Jenna's favorite picture books and tore them up, Jenna ran to them. She wrenched the album from Bessie's hands. Bessie bit into Jena's hand, and the angry Jena gave Bessie a shove. Bessie fell to the ground and burst into tears. Bessie's mother, hearing her son's cries, came out of the house, ran into the yard, slapped Jenna and said, 'You seducing your father, how dare you hit my son? 'She picked up Bessie and marched off. I saw that Jenna's face was all red, but instead of crying, she gritted her teeth and said, 'Just wait, I'll show you! ' (那是一个下午,我和杰娜在她家的小院子里玩,旁边摆放在她的一些玩具,还有画册。隔壁的孩子贝西跑进来,开始摆弄杰娜的玩具。开始的时候,杰娜并没有在意。可是当贝西抓起杰娜心爱的画册,并把它们撕坏的时候,杰娜跑了过去。她把画册从贝西手上夺回来。贝西竟然一口咬住了杰娜的手,愤怒的杰娜推了贝西一把。贝西倒在地上,放声大哭起来。贝西的父亲,听见了儿子的哭声,从屋子里出来,冲进院子里,随手打了杰娜一巴掌,并骂道,‘你这个勾引自己父亲的臭婊子,敢打我儿子?’他抱起贝西扬长而去。我看见杰娜的脸都被打红了,可是她没有哭,而是咬牙切齿说,‘等着吧,我会让你们好看!’)”
It was an afternoon, and Jenna and I were playing in her small yard, with some of her toys and her picture books. Two days after Bessie, the child next door, had run away, Jenna came to me and said to play scavenger hunt at the ruins. The children of the town loved it, and we looked for discarded objects in the ruins as found treasures. She went to the fence on purpose and called to Bessie, 'Bessie, would you like to go to the ruins? And I brought candy so we could have a picnic at the ruins. Sure enough, Bessie went out of the yard and followed. We walked in the direction of the ruins. It was the middle of the day, the middle of the summer when the townspeople took their naps, and there was no one in town. We walked right into the ruins, following Jaina's instructions, to a ruined house in the middle of the ruins. We put a cloth on the floor and Jenna took out candy and put it on top. Bessie immediately climbed over and grabbed the candy and stuffed it into her mouth. At that moment I saw a terrible bloodshot come out of Jenna's eyes, and she went over and grabbed Bessie by the neck. I screamed in horror, remembering that Jenna had strangled Conan in the same way. (过了两天以后,杰娜来找我,说去废墟那边玩找宝游戏。小镇的孩子们都喜欢这个游戏,我们在废墟里寻找那些被丢弃的物品,把它们当作寻找到的宝藏。她有意走到栅栏前招呼贝西,‘贝西,你想不想去废墟玩?我还带了糖果,我们可以去废墟野餐。’贝西果然走出了院子,跟在后面。我们朝废墟方向走去。那时中午,夏天的中午小镇大人们都要睡午觉,小镇上一个人也没有。我们一直走到了废墟里,按照杰娜的指示,走到了废墟中心一所废墟的房子里。我们在地上铺上布,杰娜拿出糖果放在上面。贝西立刻爬了过去,抓起糖果塞进嘴里。这时候,我看见杰娜的眼睛忽然射出骇人的杀气,她忽然过去,一把掐住了贝西的脖子。我吓得惊叫起来,想到了杰娜也是这样掐死了柯南。)”
孟晓云走过去,给她换了一杯水,然后轻轻拍拍她的背,柔声说,“Yadi, don't be nervous. You've done a good job. I know how hard it is for you to remember. But you know what? When you talk it all out, the pain will diminish and go away. You won't have to suffer this pain anymore. (雅荻,不要紧张。你已经做得很好。我知道这样的回忆,让你非常痛苦。可是你知道吗?只有你把所有一切都说出来,这种痛苦才会减少,然后慢慢消失。你以后就不再会受到这种痛苦的煎熬。)”
雅荻抬头看看身边的孟晓云,轻轻点头。“Well, I will. It's just, it's hard to remember, because it haunts me in nightmares. I was really afraid that one day, when Jenna was older, she might kill me, too. (嗯,我会的。只是这样的回忆的确让我很难受,因为那些场面总在噩梦里折磨我。我真的怕有一天,等杰娜在长大一点,或者会同样杀死我。)”
雅荻又看向鹿鸣。“I'll get back to that in a minute.(我很快会继续说下去。)”
鹿鸣朝她示意。“No problem, you can take a break before we continue.(没有问题,你可以休息一下在继续说。)”
“Jenna, you have to let go. You're about to strangle him.(杰娜,你快放开吧,你马上就要掐死他了。)”
“I told you, I'm gonna kick their ass.(我说过,我会给他们好看。)”杰娜一面继续用力掐住贝西的脖子,一面恶狠狠说。