
[Unity 3d] VertexPaint (Mesh 顶点画

2019-08-27  本文已影响0人  雨落随风

一个 Mesh 顶点动画绘制工具。

GitHub 上的工程多如繁星,有些好的仓库,但凡不经意间错过了就很难找回,故稍作采撷,希望能帮助到有心人。


笔者今天推荐的仓库叫 VertexPaint。 - 顶点画手
This package allows you to paint information onto the vertices of a mesh in the Unity editor as well as modify any attribute of the mesh. It uses the new 'additionalVertexStream' system of Unity5, which allows you to override per-instance data on meshes without paying the cost of duplicating a full mesh. This makes it ideal for painting vertex information across many instances of a mesh. The tool also allows you to easily bake that information back to mesh assets if you'd prefer to make a modified mesh and store that in disk, instead of with the instance in the scene.
- 它使用Unity5的新“additionalVertexStream”系统,允许您覆盖网格上的每个实例数据,而无需处理整个网格,这个插件允许你将信息绘制到 Mesh 的顶点上,也支持修改 mesh 的任意属性


The toolset contains several different painting modes as well as a few tools that come in handy when doing this type of work.You can modify the positions, normals, UVs and colors of a mesh, painting colors, values, or direction vectors taken from the stroke. You can bake lighting or ambient occlusion data into the vertices, or bake any of the changes you’ve made into a new mesh asset on disk.
- 该工具集包含几种不同的绘制模式以及一些在执行此类工作时派上用场的工具。您可以修改网格的位置,法线,UV和颜色,绘制颜色,值或从中获取的方向向量 行程。 您可以将光照或环境光遮挡数据烘焙到顶点中,或者将您所做的任何更改烘焙到磁盘上的新网格资源中。

  1. Paint
    This tool allows you to paint information directly onto the vertices Color or UV channels. Data can be viewed as either color information or greyscale information if you are working on individual channels.

    • 该工具允许您将数据直接绘制到 顶点的颜色或者uv 通道。
  2. Deform
    This tool allows you to modify the vertices positions, properly recalculating normals and tangents.

    • 形变工具,允许您修改 顶点的位置,
  3. Flow
    This tool allows you to paint directional vectors into the color or UV channels, which can be used to create flowing effects in shaders. Note that the tool currently computes direction with a dot product of the tangent and bitangent of your mesh- this means that if your tangents are not in the expected space, the flow direction may be computed wrong.

    • 允许您将朝向数据写到颜色或者uv通道,用于实现水流或者火山岩浆涌动的效果。

This tab contains a number of utilities, such as the ability to bake AO and lighting into the mesh data. You can also bake information from a texture into your vertices, bake pivot points into the UV channels of the mesh (allowing you to combine many objects and animate them individually in the shader). Finally, you can save meshes as disk assets from this tab.
- 这个工具支持将 AO 或者 Light 数据烘焙到 Mesh 数据,也支持烘焙贴图数据和mesh的 pivot 数据。
This tab allows you to work with custom brushes, which can be written to do just about anything you can imagine. An example custom brush is included which paints simplex noise onto a model, but the system allows you to write your own custom brushes, apply arbitrary transformations to the vertex data as you paint, as well as provide an interface for your brush.
- 这个工具支持你自己构建笔刷。



slipster216/VertexPaint: Unity 5.3 Vertex Painter



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