Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.
耀眼的成就往往源自勤奋的耕耘。 ----Robert H.Schuller
the coast is clear 已无危险;危险已过去
be angry with someone 对某人生气
cross [adj.]恼怒的
make excuse 找借口
make someone's blood boil 使人异常愤怒;使某人大动肝火
lose temper 发脾气,发火
Would you please sort out all the white clothes from the wash?
1、sort out 整理;解决
2、sort oneself out 使某人平静
3、sort someone out (使用暴力手段)让某人停止骚扰
We will now report on this year's business performance.
1、report on/of/about 就......作报告
2、report back 汇报
report back to ......on......向某人就某事汇报
Please feel free to contact me for details about the meeting or the schedule.
1、feel free to 随意(做某事)
2、free 免费;自由的 free of/from
free for 有空
The statesman barely coped with the intricate issue.
1、cope with 应对;(用机器)处理
2、cope [n.](基督教牧师在特殊场合下穿着的)法衣