
2018-10-18  本文已影响0人  carpediemmlf

'Watching' Atoms Move on Atomic Length and Time Scales with Helium Spin Echo

by John Ellis from SMF

Existence and Imaging of Atoms

Imaging atoms: STEM

quantify using pair correlation funciton

F_r=m \frac{{\rm d \vec{B}}}{{\rm d}r}

why surfaces

Analytical Diffusion Signitures

MOdelling: validity?

Light Molecule Quantum Ballistic Motion

Benzene/graphite: simple model of nano motor

Rate theory

'Fiction' and Transition State Theory

  1. low frictions: rollercoasters from distant wells

Band structures

Use bandstructures for transition state calculation

How you work out the quantum mechanics connected to a heat bath???

We need data to move forward -> need to build better measurement devices

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