2月19日上午,Chanel香奈儿艺术总监Karl Lagerfeld(老佛爷)去世,享年85岁。
法国杂志《Madame Figaro》在第一时间悼念
卡尔•拉格斐 Karl Lagerfeld ,1933年9月10日出生于德国汉堡市,著名服装设计师,香奈儿品牌艺术总监,是“法式优雅” 的灵魂捕手。人称“时装界的凯撒大帝”或“老佛爷”。被称为时尚圈“毒舌”的他,说过不少金句。
“A sense of humor and a little lack of respect: that’s what you need to make a legend survive.”
“I am very much down to Earth. Just not this earth.”
“Marketing is a word I never use, because I don’t even know what that means. Let’s forget about it. I don’t have to do that.”
“营销”一词我从来没有用过 , 因为我甚至不知道这是什么意思 。算了吧,我根本不需要知道。
“If you throw money out of the window throw it out with joy. Don’t say: ‘one shouldn’t do that’—that is bourgeois.”
“如果你窗外扔钱但从中得到了快乐。这时候不要说:‘ 不该这么做 ’——那是资本家才做的。”
“Work is making a living out of being bored.”
“Why should I stop working? If I do, I’ll die and it’ll be all finished.”
为什么我要停止工作? 死后自会长眠。
“I am never totally pleased.
I’m a kind of fashion nymphomaniac who never gets an orgasm.
I’m always expecting something from the next time.”
我从来没有完全地被满足过。 我像是一个从未得到高潮的狂热者,总是期待着会有下一次。
“Fashion is something that reflects our lives and times with the shortest release because, cars, design and architecture take years to realize.”
“ 时尚是一种能最快反映我们当下生活和时代的东西,因为汽车、设计和建筑都需要时间去检验价值。
“Je travaille par instinct, mon moyen d’expression c’est le vêtement, ça n’est pas le bagout. La mode, c’est une chose d’un opportunisme enragé. ”
“我本能地工作,我的表达方式是服装,这不是谄媚或者油腔滑调。 时尚是一个狂热的成者王、败者寇的平台。
“When I was really very, very young, I was very lazy and I was so tacky: I used to like convertible cars, beaches and sunbathing, body-building and nightclubs.”
“当我还相当年轻的时候,那时候的我又懒又俗 : 喜欢敞篷车,海滩日光浴,健身和夜总会。”
“As a child, a very young person, I had the feeling: ‘It doesn’t matter what you do—you’re compelling!’ I thought I was sacrosanct—wasted on dismal postwar Germany. It was quite frightening really. When I compare myself now, I think I was quite modest and shy.”
“当我还是个孩子的时候,我感觉 : ‘不管你做什么,都要引人注目!’” 那时候我觉得自己是神圣不可侵犯的 —— 要把人生蹉跎在战后惨淡的德国,是一件相当可怕的事。当我把过去的自己和现在比较的时候,我觉得自己那时候谦虚又害羞。
“When I was four I asked my mother for a valet for my birthday.”
关于他与Yves Saint Laurent 之间著名的竞争
“He is very middle-of-the-road French…He is very pied-noir, very provincial.”
“I detest revivals, I only like the present moment and the future, today and tomorrow. The best way of surviving in the present is forgetting the past, to permanently recreate one’s paradise. If you start referencing your own past, you are heading for trouble. Moreover, they [Proust and Saint Laurent] were both heading for trouble…Saint Laurent professes to have invented the modern woman, but has he ever really read Proust?”
“我讨厌复兴过去,我只喜欢现在和未来,今天和明天。” 活在当下最好的办法就是忘记过去,重建自己的天堂。如果你开始回忆过去,你就会陷入麻烦。此外,他们( Proust 和 Saint Laurent ) 都面临着麻烦…… Saint Laurent 声称自己塑造了现代女性,但他真的读过普鲁斯特吗?
“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.”
运动裤是一种失败的标志。 你失去了对自己生活的控制,所以你买了一些运动裤。
“J’ai toujours peur de parler de ce que je suis en train de faire parce que j’ai entendu tellement d’interviews de stylistes, de couturiers, où ils parlent d’une révolution, du changement de ceci, de cela, du retour de la féminité - comme si elle n’était jamais partie. Et après on voit la même robe. (...)
我总是害怕谈论我正在做的事情。因为我听过很多关于造型师,时装设计师的采访:他们谈革命,谈改变,谈女性特质的回归,就好像他们从未在时尚圈缺席过一样。然后我们看到同样的衣服。 (...)
Les gens qui ont toujours le même style sous prétexte que c’est leur style je trouve ça la chose la plus desséchante et la plus ennuyeuse de la Terre. ”
“Be politically correct, but please don’t bother other people with conversation about being politically correct, because that’s the end of everything. You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation.”
保持政治正确, 但请不要打扰别人谈论政治正确 , 因为这将是一切的结束。你想制造无聊吗? 在谈话中保持政治正确就够了。
“I think tattoos are horrible. It’s like living in a Pucci dress* full-time. If you’re young and tight, maybe it’s OK, but…”
我觉得纹身是可怕的,他就像是一直穿着 Pucci 的裙子。如果你还年轻并且身材好,那还是没问题的,但是……
*Pucci dress: 璞琪 (Emilio Pucci) 是意大利时装品牌,以其丰富的彩色几何印花著称。
“I have nothing to say. I’m actually trying to make sure that I won’t be remembered.”
“I bleach my past. Thank god there isn’t anyone left to remember that anymore! And I’ve forgotten it all myself.”