
2019-01-03  本文已影响0人  modou1618

一 介绍



1.2 支持协议




二 DubboProtocol.refer()


public <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> serviceType, URL url) throws RpcException {
        // create rpc invoker.
        DubboInvoker<T> invoker = new DubboInvoker<T>(serviceType, url, getClients(url), invokers);
        return invoker;


private final ExchangeClient[] clients;
private final AtomicPositiveInteger index = new AtomicPositiveInteger();

2.1 通信客户端

2.1.1 共享客户端


private final Map<String /* url地址*/, ReferenceCountExchangeClient> referenceClientMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ReferenceCountExchangeClient>(); 
// referenceClientMap变更使用的锁
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> locks = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
// <host:port,Exchanger>
private final ConcurrentMap<String, LazyConnectExchangeClient> ghostClientMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LazyConnectExchangeClient>();

    private void initClient() throws RemotingException {
        if (client != null)
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            logger.info("Lazy connect to " + url);
        try {
            if (client != null)
            this.client = Exchangers.connect(url, requestHandler);
        } finally {

    public ResponseFuture request(Object request) throws RemotingException {
        return client.request(request);

ExchangeClient exchangeClient = initClient(url);

2.1.2 并发客户端


    private ExchangeClient initClient(URL url) {
        // client type setting.
        String str = url.getParameter(Constants.CLIENT_KEY, url.getParameter(Constants.SERVER_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_REMOTING_CLIENT));

        url = url.addParameter(Constants.CODEC_KEY, DubboCodec.NAME);
        // enable heartbeat by default
        url = url.addParameterIfAbsent(Constants.HEARTBEAT_KEY, String.valueOf(Constants.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT));

        // BIO is not allowed since it has severe performance issue.
        if (str != null && str.length() > 0 && !ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Transporter.class).hasExtension(str)) {
            throw new RpcException("Unsupported client type: " + str + "," +
                    " supported client type is " + StringUtils.join(ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Transporter.class).getSupportedExtensions(), " "));

        ExchangeClient client;
        try {
            // connection should be lazy
            if (url.getParameter(Constants.LAZY_CONNECT_KEY, false)) {
                client = new LazyConnectExchangeClient(url, requestHandler);
            } else {
                client = Exchangers.connect(url, requestHandler);
        } catch (RemotingException e) {
            throw new RpcException("Fail to create remoting client for service(" + url + "): " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return client;

三 consumer端调用


invoker.invoke(new RpcInvocation(method, args))

3.1 协议层调用

public Result invoke(Invocation inv) throws RpcException {
        // if invoker is destroyed due to address refresh from registry, let's allow the current invoke to proceed
        if (destroyed.get()) {
            logger.warn("Invoker for service " + this + " on consumer " + NetUtils.getLocalHost() + " is destroyed, "
                    + ", dubbo version is " + Version.getVersion() + ", this invoker should not be used any longer");

        RpcInvocation invocation = (RpcInvocation) inv;
        if (attachment != null && attachment.size() > 0) {
        Map<String, String> contextAttachments = RpcContext.getContext().getAttachments();
        if (contextAttachments != null && contextAttachments.size() != 0) {
             * invocation.addAttachmentsIfAbsent(context){@link RpcInvocation#addAttachmentsIfAbsent(Map)}should not be used here,
             * because the {@link RpcContext#setAttachment(String, String)} is passed in the Filter when the call is triggered
             * by the built-in retry mechanism of the Dubbo. The attachment to update RpcContext will no longer work, which is
             * a mistake in most cases (for example, through Filter to RpcContext output traceId and spanId and other information).
        if (getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), Constants.ASYNC_KEY, false)) {
            invocation.setAttachment(Constants.ASYNC_KEY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
        RpcUtils.attachInvocationIdIfAsync(getUrl(), invocation);

        try {
            return doInvoke(invocation);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // biz exception
            Throwable te = e.getTargetException();
            if (te == null) {
                return new RpcResult(e);
            } else {
                if (te instanceof RpcException) {
                    ((RpcException) te).setCode(RpcException.BIZ_EXCEPTION);
                return new RpcResult(te);
        } catch (RpcException e) {
            if (e.isBiz()) {
                return new RpcResult(e);
            } else {
                throw e;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return new RpcResult(e);

四 DubboProtocol.expport()

<dubbo:service/>配置在协议层的处理,主要是建立tcp server;注册协议层的收包处理函数,函数内调用服务提供者;等待客户端连接。

public <T> Exporter<T> export(Invoker<T> invoker) throws RpcException {
        URL url = invoker.getUrl();

        // export service.
        String key = serviceKey(url);
        DubboExporter<T> exporter = new DubboExporter<T>(invoker, key, exporterMap);
        exporterMap.put(key, exporter);
        return exporter;

4.1 创建server

private ExchangeServer createServer(URL url) {
        // send readonly event when server closes, it's enabled by default
        url = url.addParameterIfAbsent(Constants.CHANNEL_READONLYEVENT_SENT_KEY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
        // enable heartbeat by default
        url = url.addParameterIfAbsent(Constants.HEARTBEAT_KEY, String.valueOf(Constants.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT));
        String str = url.getParameter(Constants.SERVER_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_REMOTING_SERVER);

        if (str != null && str.length() > 0 && !ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Transporter.class).hasExtension(str))
            throw new RpcException("Unsupported server type: " + str + ", url: " + url);

        url = url.addParameter(Constants.CODEC_KEY, DubboCodec.NAME);
        ExchangeServer server;
        try {
            server = Exchangers.bind(url, requestHandler);
        } catch (RemotingException e) {
            throw new RpcException("Fail to start server(url: " + url + ") " + e.getMessage(), e);
        str = url.getParameter(Constants.CLIENT_KEY);
        if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
            Set<String> supportedTypes = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Transporter.class).getSupportedExtensions();
            if (!supportedTypes.contains(str)) {
                throw new RpcException("Unsupported client type: " + str);
        return server;

五 收包处理函数


5.1 连接和断连回调

        public void connected(Channel channel) throws RemotingException {
            invoke(channel, Constants.ON_CONNECT_KEY);

        public void disconnected(Channel channel) throws RemotingException {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.info("disconnected from " + channel.getRemoteAddress() + ",url:" + channel.getUrl());
            invoke(channel, Constants.ON_DISCONNECT_KEY);

        private void invoke(Channel channel, String methodKey) {
            Invocation invocation = createInvocation(channel, channel.getUrl(), methodKey);
            if (invocation != null) {
                try {
                    received(channel, invocation);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.warn("Failed to invoke event method " + invocation.getMethodName() + "(), cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);

        private Invocation createInvocation(Channel channel, URL url, String methodKey) {
            String method = url.getParameter(methodKey);
            if (method == null || method.length() == 0) {
                return null;
            RpcInvocation invocation = new RpcInvocation(method, new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
            invocation.setAttachment(Constants.PATH_KEY, url.getPath());
            invocation.setAttachment(Constants.GROUP_KEY, url.getParameter(Constants.GROUP_KEY));
            invocation.setAttachment(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY, url.getParameter(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY));
            invocation.setAttachment(Constants.VERSION_KEY, url.getParameter(Constants.VERSION_KEY));
            if (url.getParameter(Constants.STUB_EVENT_KEY, false)) {
                invocation.setAttachment(Constants.STUB_EVENT_KEY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
            return invocation;

5.2 报文接收处理

public void received(Channel channel, Object message) throws RemotingException {
            if (message instanceof Invocation) {
                reply((ExchangeChannel) channel, message);
            } else {
                super.received(channel, message);
public Object reply(ExchangeChannel channel, Object message) throws RemotingException {
            if (message instanceof Invocation) {
                Invocation inv = (Invocation) message;
                Invoker<?> invoker = getInvoker(channel, inv);
                // need to consider backward-compatibility if it's a callback
                if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(inv.getAttachments().get(IS_CALLBACK_SERVICE_INVOKE))) {
                    String methodsStr = invoker.getUrl().getParameters().get("methods");
                    boolean hasMethod = false;
                    if (methodsStr == null || methodsStr.indexOf(",") == -1) {
                        hasMethod = inv.getMethodName().equals(methodsStr);
                    } else {
                        String[] methods = methodsStr.split(",");
                        for (String method : methods) {
                            if (inv.getMethodName().equals(method)) {
                                hasMethod = true;
                    if (!hasMethod) {
                        logger.warn(new IllegalStateException("The methodName " + inv.getMethodName()
                                + " not found in callback service interface ,invoke will be ignored."
                                + " please update the api interface. url is:"
                                + invoker.getUrl()) + " ,invocation is :" + inv);
                        return null;
                return invoker.invoke(inv);
            throw new RemotingException(channel, "Unsupported request: "
                    + (message == null ? null : (message.getClass().getName() + ": " + message))
                    + ", channel: consumer: " + channel.getRemoteAddress() + " --> provider: " + channel.getLocalAddress());

六 filter与listener



6.1 provider端filter

6.2 consumer端tilter

6.3 共用filter

上一篇 下一篇

