第二次面试总结,Student Tester

2018-10-18  本文已影响0人  范女青



9点整,Penny从楼道把我领进门,我看到另外两个面试官,他们各自说了名字,不知道该不该握手。我就尴尬的nice to meet you,笑一笑,把书包放下,坐下了。

首先Penny介绍四个项目,指出我要参加的是student timetable upgrade,我听完就只会说that’s great,脑子里想了下look forward to use it,结果还是没说出口。


然后进入提问环节,第一题是focus on task,我提到cherry packing的经历,要随时关注机器,以免发生意外。感觉自己讲的语无伦次,不过他们三个都在一边点头示意,一边努力记笔记,然后还跟我闲扯吃樱桃很爽。但是第二题开始就慌了,大鼻子Jim是基于第一题问我,在cherry packing的时候如何解决问题。根据JD我知道是考察observation和problem-solving,于是讲我发现每个袋子filled不均匀,于是进行测试,观察机器,发现问题,最后问manager可否改setting。这是面试前脑子里闪现过的一个答案,但是没具体准备,而且当时我肯定没描述清楚(其实连中文怎么讲清楚都不知道),三个人都一脸懵逼。但是她们很努力的从我的描述中找到我解决问题的方法,比如“所以你和老板确认后才执行?”,并肯定了我的做法。在这里我就说我太紧张了,讲不好英语了,他们说你很不错了(老外都这样)。然后似乎还问了关于follow instruction来工作,但是现在完全没有印象了。最后一题是Jim问我怎么在test report描述bug。听到问题我觉得这题我有优势,但还是讲的语无伦次,经常尴尬的停顿。他们从我的混乱回答中提取到了reproduce(我说的是在什么样的situation/senario才可以reoccur),划分module,划分importance(priority这个词没敢说出来,太怕错)。


鉴于上一次面试中自我感觉语速过快,没脑子思考,导致很多回答没在点上。这次开始之前我打算字正腔圆慢慢讲。然而实践经验告诉我,由于过于紧张,即使语速慢下来,依然语无伦次,找不到合适的词语,不停的卡顿,也依然会漏点。这次邮件中提前告诉我四个问题都是基于JD的,所以有一点准备,能当场迅速找到example,但是失误在于没有把故事在脑海中成型。而且,能在Selection Critiria写下来,和能在面试现场讲出来,是完全两个概念的。







Student System Testers Required – Casual work after the Uni year finishes

The University of Tasmania's (UTAS) IT Services is currently implementing a project which will have a major impact on how students will be able to access the university timetable system.  A major part of the Enterprise Resource Booking and Timetabling (ERBT) Project is enhancing the student timetable.  This involves updating the technology, so it will provide students and staff with a modern end user supported system.  

An important element of this project is to complete testing before the system goes live.  This is to ensure that the technology we are implementing works as intended. As students will be the main users of the timetable system, we are seeking Expressions of Interest from current UTAS students who are able to complete scheduled testing between 15 – 30 November 2018.

Key Essential Attributes:

A current UTAS student 

Sound communication skills

Able to remain focused on task and have a attention detail

Sound observation and problem solving skills

Able to work and stay within instructed boundaries

To express your interest, please submit a resume and a cover letter addressing each of the key essential attributes listed above. Please include examples from your work, study or extra-curricular activities to help illustrate your skills and abilities.

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