Ellen 的Scalers Talk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力

2019-03-19  本文已影响0人  徐少爷



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001illusion n. 幻想,错觉

under illusion that / under the impression that

I am under the impression that you are honest.

We live under the illusion.

under no illusion that

have illusion about / have no illusion about

delusion 幻觉,(精神病人)

Eg: He is under the delusion that somebody will kill him tomorrow.

He lives under the delusion that he will be killed sometime.

vision 憧景

Eg: I live under the vision that I have a bright future.

illusioned adj.充满幻想的

Eg: The world of children is illusioned.

illusionary adj. 错觉的,幻觉的

Eg: Don’t believe in him. What he said is illusionary picture.

illusive adj. 虚假的,不可靠的

Eg: What he described was illusive. Don’t depend on him any more.

002 imaginary  imaging

Eg: I can’t imagine building Great Wall.

imaginary 虚构的

Eg: The story is imaginary, Don’t be taken in


The story is imaginary. Don’t be taken in.

imaginative 富有想像力的

Children are more imaginative than adults.

unimaginative 缺乏想像力的

imaginable 能想像得出的,(须放在被修饰词之后)

This is the idea / way imaginable.

imaginary / imaginative / imaginable / unimaginatice

We are imaginative

illusionary / imaginary 虚构的

003 pastoral adj. 田园的  breed v. 培育  vt. breed / bred / bred

breed / raise / bring up / rear

raise /breed pets

raise / breed dogs.

Do you raise dogs?


As a mother, you must breed good manners into your child.

rear 抚养,

I must rear the child because I have the duty.

He rears / breeds / raises two dogs.

grow / plant tree

cause / lead / result in / give rise to

War breeds misery and ruin. 战争导致毁灭和悲惨。

Your carelessness bred the accident

breed in and in 近亲结婚,同种繁殖

breed out and out 非近亲结婚,异种繁殖

breed / raise / bring up / cause

004 rapture n. 欣喜

great joy / delight

At the news, they are in raptures.

At the news, they are great delighted.

in raptures(about/ over sth. ) (对……) 欣喜若狂

I am in raptures about the new book.

go into raptures(over/ about/ at sth. ) (对……)感到非常的高兴!

He went into raptures when he heard the good news.

joy / happiness

We have a good time and we are full of happiness.

delight 高兴,喜悦,程度强于joy, 但不如rapture,也不如rapture那么正式,

I feel delighted == I am in raptures

ecstasy 入迷;狂喜

He is in ecstasy.

enchant v enchantment 入迷,

He was enchanted in thoughts.

elation 兴高采烈;得意洋洋

He has got the feeling of elation.

bliss 极乐;无尚的幸福

Nothing in the world can make you happier than bliss.

A sound sleep is my bliss

glee 欢乐,高兴,欢心 (诗歌中)

rapture / in raptures / go into raptures / joy / happiness / delight / ecstasy

/ enchantment / elation / bliss / glee

005 extol v. 赞美,颂扬 vt. praise

I can’t find a good word to praise you / your ability.

I want to extol the virtues of human beings.

compliment v. & n. 恭维

Do you often compliment ...?

exalt 赞扬,歌颂,吹捧

You disgust me. why do you extol such a stupid person.

laud 赞美

I want to do nothing but laud you.

What do you want to laud me?

I want to laud your beauty, ability and your wealth.

extol / praise / compliment / exalt / laud


01 朗读  每天保证1小时的朗读, 气息不够用,读着读着,还是有些跟不上朗读者的节奏。

02 复述 听了三遍,复述内容有限。

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