Ford and Volkswagen launched an alliance through which they will work together on making pickup trucks for the global market and commercial vans in Europe. The carmakers said they were also looking at ways to collaborate on electric cars, autonomous vehicles and mobility services, though they provided scant detail about how they would do that. The announcement left little impression on investors. Ford’s share price later tumbled when it warned that its fourth-quarter earnings would fall short of expectations and that it will be “prudent” when forecasting its annual profit.
- Volkswagen ['fɔ:lksvɑ:gən] 大众汽车
速记:volk(同folk,民众的)+ wagon(马车) - alliance [əˈlaɪəns] n. 联盟,同盟
速记:ally ['ælaɪ] v. 联姻,结盟;词根ly同lig,“带子→捆绑” - pickup truck 皮卡车
速记:pickup→皮卡 - van [væn] n. 厢式货车
速记:缩写自caravan(大篷车);谐音“开来玩” - collaborate [kə'læbəreɪt] v. 合作;勾结
速记:co(一起)+ labor(劳动) - scant [skænt] adj. 缺乏的,不足的
速记:s(谐音:少)+ cant(can't) - tumble [ˈtʌmbl] v. 跌倒,颠覆,翻腾
速记:谐音“贪步”→“跌倒”;tumbler n. 不倒翁 - prudent [ˈpru:dnt] adj. 谨慎的,精明的
速记:词源同provident(pro(先,前)+ vid(看见,同evident)