
2021-07-21  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
My father took pride in saying 我父亲总是很自豪地说
that he ran our house like a tight ship. 他把我们家管理得井井有条
The ship got a lot looser when 但这井在我姥姥来看孩子时
my meemaw came over to babysit. 就没那么多条条框框了
I bet a nickel. 我赌5分钱
Hang on there a minute, moon pie. 别着急小饼饼
I want to teach you somethin'. 我教你一点东西
Look at your cards, 看看你的牌
and then look in the mirror. 再看看镜子
Hey, I'm smiling. 我在笑
Uh-huh. 是啊
And what does that tell me about your cards? 这笑容告诉我你的牌怎么样
That I like them? 我喜欢我的牌吗
Attaboy. Now... 真聪明现在呢...
look at my face. 看着我的脸
Tell me what you see. 告诉我你看到了什么
That you're old. 看到你老
It's a good thing I love you. 幸好老娘很爱你
I'm gonna look at my cards again. 我再看一次我的牌
You're unhappy. 你不高兴
Which means...? 这表示...
You don't have good cards. 你没有好牌
So... 所以呢
I'm gonna see your nickel... 我跟你的5分
- and raise you a quarter. - Quarter? -再加25分-25分吗
You can fold. 你可以弃牌啊
No. I have good cards; you have bad cards. 不要我有好牌你只有烂牌
I'm in. 我跟
Nines and fives. 9 5对子
That's too bad. 可惜了
Three queens. You lose! 3张Q你输啦
What? 什么
But you weren't happy. 你不是不高兴吗
- I made you think I was unhappy. - But that's lying. -我让你觉得我不高兴而已-这不是骗人吗
You lied to your moon pie. 你骗了你的小饼饼
I bluffed my moon pie. 我诈了我的小饼饼
- Do people know about this? - Sheldon, -其他人也都会这招吗-谢尔顿
what's on a person's face 知人知面
is not always what's in their heart. 不知心啊
Well, this changes everything. 那样一切都不一样了
How do you know who to trust? 你怎么知道谁能信任呢
You don't. 无法知道
That's what makes life interesting. 所以人生才精彩啊
Meemaw liked to teach me things 姥姥喜欢教我一些
that kept me awake at night. 会让我晚上睡不着的事
Mom, we're home! 妈我们回来了
In here! 在里面呢
What's he doing up? 他不睡觉在干嘛
Losin'. 在输啊
Hell is that? 什么鬼
I sent Georgie on a beer run, 我让小乔治去帮我买啤酒
and tipped him with firecrackers. 用鞭炮当了报酬
Oh, Mom.
Was I supposed to stiff him? 我难道要让他白干活儿吗
I ate so much candy! 我吃了好多糖呀
Okay. 好啦
They're all yours. 孩子还你
♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ ♪ 昨天我移了一座山 ♪
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ ♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
Sometimes people say to me, "Pastor Jeff, 有时候人们会问我"杰夫牧师
how do you know there's a God?" 你怎么知道神是否存在呢"
And I say, "It's simple math. 我说"这是很简单的数学题啊
God either exists or he doesn't." 神要么存在要么不存在"
So let's be cynical. 咱们冷眼来看
Worst-case scenario, there's a 50-50 chance. 最坏的情况也是五五开
And I like those odds. 而这几率我很满意
That's wrong. 这是错的
Shelly, put your hand down. 谢利把你的手放下
Sorry. Please continue. 抱歉您请继续
It's okay, Mary. 没事的玛丽
I-It's Sheldon, right? 你叫谢尔顿对吗
- Yes, sir. - Well, Sheldon, -是的先生-谢尔顿
why don't you come on up here and tell me how I'm wrong. 那请你来台前说说我哪里错了吧
- No. - Okay. -别-好的
Let's give him a hand, everybody. 大家给他点掌声吧
Mm. What's happening? 发生什么事了
Shelly's gonna eat him alive. 谢利会把他给撕成渣渣的
So... 所以...
you were saying? 你说吧
You've confused possibilities with probabilities. 你把概率跟可能性搞混了
According to your analogy, when I go home 根据你的例子我等会回家
I might find a million dollars on my bed or I might not. 我可能在床上发现一百万也可能没有
In what universe is that 50-50? 但这算个哪门子的五五开
So what do you think 那你觉得
the odds are that God exists? 神存在的几率有多少呢
I think they're zero. 我觉得是0
I believe in science. 我相信科学
So you don't think science and religion can go hand in hand? 所以你觉得科学跟宗教不能共处共存
Science is facts, religion is faith. 科学讲事实宗教讲信仰
I prefer facts. 我喜欢事实
I understand that. 我懂
Here's a cool fact for ya. 那我告诉你几条有趣的事实
A lot of famous scientists believed in God. 很多知名科学家都相信神的存在
Isaac Newton. 艾萨克·牛顿
Albert Einstein. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
Even Charles Darwin. 甚至是查尔斯·达尔文
So Darwin's right about God and wrong about evolution? 所以达尔文信神是对的而他的进化论是错的吗
Now you're gettin' it. 小子上道了
Let's give it up for Sheldon, everybody. 大家再给谢尔顿一次掌声
What a good sport. Oh. 很有风度的好小伙
But I wasn't a good sport. 但我并没有风度
At that moment, I vowed to come back 在那一刻我发誓
the following Sunday and destroy Pastor Jeff. 我下周日要回来手撕杰夫牧师
Uh, hello, Mr. Cooper. 您好库珀先生
Is Missy home? 米希在家吗
Hello, Billy. No, she's at church. 你好啊比利她上教堂了
I brought her eggs from my chickens. 我给她带了我家母鸡下的蛋
I see that. 我看到了
You can boil them or scramble them. 你可以做水煮蛋或炒蛋
Okay. 好的
I like fried. 我喜欢煎蛋
I don't like poached. 我不喜欢荷包蛋
Okay. 好吧
Thank you for your time. 打扰了
You want me to cook those eggs for you, baby? 要我帮你煮了蛋吗宝贝
No. They're a gift. 不要这些是礼物
Sorry. 抱歉
He even wrote me a note. 他还给我写了纸条
"Eggs from your secret admirer. Billy." "来自你的神秘仰慕者比利"
Mary, can you come in here? 玛丽你能进来一下吗
I'm cookin'. 我在做饭
I really need you to come in here. 我真的需要你进来一下
What on earth? 到底要干嘛
What? 怎么了
Listen to this. 你听
"French philosopher, "法国哲学家
mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal, 数学家与物理学家布莱兹·帕斯卡
argued a rational person should believe God exists 表示理性的人应该相信神的存在
because you have everything to gain if you're right, 因为如果你对了你就赚到了
and nothing to lose if you're wrong." 而如果你错了你也不亏"
Sounds right. 感觉没错啊
Meemaw is coming over to watch you-- I gotta go. 姥姥马上就过来照顾你们我得走了
- Where? - Daddy's not feeling good. -去哪里-你们爸爸不舒服
We're gonna go see a doctor. 我们现在要去医生那边
- Is he okay? - He's gonna be fine. -他没事吧-他会没事的
You just sit right there. 你们就乖乖坐着
Meemaw's on her way over to cook you dinner. 姥姥等会就来给你们做晚饭
Can we come with you? 我们能跟你们一起去吗
No. Just stay right there, don't move. 不行乖乖坐着不许离开
George, let's go. 乔治走吧
How long are we supposed to sit here? 我们得坐在这里多久啊
I don't know. 我不知道
She said don't move. 她说不许离开
She was very clear. 说得很清楚了
Hope I don't have to go to the bathroom. 希望我不会想上厕所
Don't worry! 安心吧
Meemaw's here! 姥姥来了
Everything's under control! 一切都有姥姥在
We haven't had dinner yet. 我们还没吃晚饭
Really? 是吗
I don't feel like cookin'. 可我不想做饭
I think my husband's having a heart attack! 我丈夫好像心脏病发作
I need an RRT and a crash cart. 需要急救小组与抢救车
Over here. 这边
Sir, are you having chest pains right now? 先生你现在胸口疼吗
Yeah, a little bit. 是啊有一点


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