
深-浅 关系

2022-12-09  本文已影响0人  惊鸿飛雪

Deep. This refers to something located further away from the skin when compared to something that is superficial or close to the skin surface. The deep circumflex iliac artery and vein are located deeper to the skin than other arteries and veins in the iliac artery. It can be expected to be located further away than more superficial structures.

Superficial. This refers to something close to the surface or the skin of the body. For example, the condition of “superficial thrombophlebitis” refers to an (inflammation) of the superficial veins of the body or close to the skin. These can be differentiated from “deep vein thrombosis”, which represents deeper vein blood clots, usually in the leg.

blood clot血凝块

deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓

superficial vein 浅静脉

superficial thrombophlebitis 血栓性浅静脉炎

iliac artery 髂动脉

deep circumflex iliac artery 旋髂深动脉

superficial 表面 浅表 表层的

深层: 这是用来指向离皮肤距离较远的物体,不是表层或接近皮肤表面的物体。旋髂深动脉要比髂动脉在内的其他动脉更贴近皮肤。预计它的位置要比表层结构更远。

表层: 这是指接近身体皮肤或表面的物体,举例来说 ☞血栓性浅静脉炎是指 身体的浅静脉或接近皮肤(发生)的炎症。这与“深静脉血栓”有所区别,这意味着深层静脉血栓 通常出现在腿部。


