2020-04-28 本文已影响0人
构成谓语:They will have arrived by now.
过去分词做表语Be prepared.
Everybody got excited about the boat trip.
这种结构和be+过去分词的被动语态的结构非常类似,但被动语态的结构表示一个动作,而这种结构是一个状态。如: The lake is surrounded by tree./ The president was surrounded by people.
过去分词做定语类似形容词的功能We’ve only got a little left,尤其是表示情绪。Lily had a pleasant look on her face.
构成复合结构We preferred the house painted white.
You should have your TV repaired.
1987 ended with nothing settled.
Everyone considered it greatly improved.
过去分词做状语The risen sun
Philip was exceptionally gifted.
Shyly and a bit frightened, I handed it to her.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.