BBC | 2018-02-24

2018-02-24  本文已影响14人  关仲人


BBC news with Kathy Clarkston.
A UN human rights report has implicated dozens of military commanders in South Sudan in war crimes and crimes against humanity. The team says it has evidence of children being forced to watch the rape and murder of their mothers, and affairs of villages being destroyed and civilians being tortured and [1] mutilated.

1 ① (VERB) 使残缺不全;使受到严重损伤 If a person or animal is mutilated, their body is severely damaged, usually by someone who physically attacks them.
The body had been badly mutilated. 尸体被严重毁伤。

It's emerged that an armed guard at the school in Florida where seventeen people were shot dead last week failed to confront the gunman. Footage showed the guard rushing to the building when the six minutes of shooting began, but then remained outside as students and others were being killed.

Australia's deputy Prime Minister is stepping down after a series of damaging allegations about his private life. Banaby Joyce has also been accused of sexual harassment by an unidentified individual. The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has called Banaby's actions a shocking error of judgment.


France says the UN Security Council is in danger of becoming redundant if it fails to help thousands of civilians trapped by fighting in Syria. The French ambassador to the UN Francois Delattre said the UN's inability to help people in the enclave of eastern Gouta would result in a devastating loss of credibility.

The UN children's organization UNICEF has said thousands of Rohingya children face years of living [2] in limbo. The agency says Myanmar must grant children born their citizenship. It also criticized Bangladesh over the poor living conditions of those who fled Myanmar.

2 ① (N-UNCOUNT) 不确定的状态 If you say that someone or something is in limbo, you mean that they are in a situation where they seem to be caught between two stages and it is unclear what will happen next.
the limbo of the stateless person 无国籍人的不安定状态

And the fifteen-year-old Russian Alina Zagitova has taken gold in the women's figure skating competition at the Winter Olympics, the second youngest woman in history to win the title. She is the first Russian athlete to take gold at the Games in South Korea.

凯西 克拉克斯顿(Kathy Clarkston)为您播报BBC新闻。
澳大利亚副总理因受到有关其私生活的一系列具有破坏性的指控而面临下台。副总理巴纳比 乔伊斯(Banaby Joyce)被一名不知名人士控诉性骚扰。总理马尔科姆 特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)称,巴纳比判断失误,令人震惊。
法国表示,联合国安理会可能会因没能帮助困在叙利亚战事里的上千名平民而背负机构冗余的骂名。法国驻联合国大使弗朗索瓦 德拉特(Francois Delattre)表示,联合国没能帮助古塔东部飞地的人们,这可能会让其公信力尽失。
15岁俄罗斯小将阿丽娜 扎吉托娃(Alina Zagitova)在冬奥会的女子花式溜冰比赛中夺得了金牌。她是史上获得该殊荣的女性中第二年轻的一位。她也是俄罗斯在韩国冬奥会上获得首金的运动员。


