The Story of Philosophy的第57句:第1章Plato第1节The Context of Plato第1段第5句:
If you look at a map of Europe you will observe that Greece is a skeleton-like hand stretching its crooked fingers out into the Mediterranean Sea. South of it lies the great island of Crete, from which those grasping fingers captured, in the second millennium before Christ, the beginning of civilization and culture. To the east, across the Ægean sea, lies Asia Minor, quiet and apathetic now, but throbbing, in prePlatonic days, with industry, commerce and speculation. To the west, across the Ionian, Italy stands, like a leaning tower in the sea, and Sicily and Spain, each in those days with thriving Greek colonies; and at the end, the “Pillars of Hercules” (which we call Gibraltar), that sombre portal through which not many an ancient mariner dared to pass. And on the north those still untamed and half-barbaric regions, then named Thessaly and Epirus and Macedonia, from which or through which the vigorous bands had come which fathered the geniuses of Homeric and Periclean Greece.
1、'And on the north those still untamed and half-barbaric regions, …’以及北面那些仍未开化和半野蛮地区,
untamed: wild and not controlled by people : not tamed
The interior of Corsica is high and untamed.科西嘉岛腹地地势高企,环境荒芜。
barbaric: very rude or offensive : not polite or proper凶残的;残暴的;野蛮的
This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society. 这种残忍地对待动物的行为是任何一个文明社会都不能容忍的。
2、’...then named Thessaly and Epirus and Macedonia, …’后来称它们为色萨利、伊庇鲁斯和马其顿。
Thessaly:色萨利 大区(希腊语:Θεσσαλία)位于希腊中部偏北,大区总面积14037平方公里,下辖四个州:卡尔季察州、拉里萨州、马格尼西亚州、特里卡拉州,大区首府设在拉里萨。
3、’...from which or through which the vigorous bands had come …’which指代前面的those re
band:a group of people or animals
A band of scientists questioned the theory.
Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods.成群结队的政府军士兵、反叛分子和彻头彻尾的犯罪分子一直在一些街区游荡。
4、**’...which fathered the geniuses of Homeric and Periclean Greece."Homeric and Periclean Greece" 指的是荷马时代和伯里克利时代的希腊,这两个时期被认为是希腊文明的黄金时期。这也是柏拉图出生之前的两个时代。
father:of a man : to invent, create, or produce (something)哺育,繁衍
He was praised for fathering a plan to improve the city's schools.
Homeric Greece:指的是荷马时代的希腊,大致在公元前11世纪到公元前9世纪这段时期,得名于古希腊史诗诗人荷马(Homer)。这个时代见证希腊城邦化,主要是部落和家庭为基本单位,由国王或贵族统治,社会分层明显。
Periclean Greece:伯里克利时代是指古希腊的一个历史时期,其始于波希战争的终结,终于伯里克利离世或伯罗奔尼撒战争结束,即公元前495-公元前429年。在同一时期大批在政治,哲学,建筑,雕塑,历史以及文学上卓有成就的希腊人中,作为希腊将军、政治家和演说家,伯里克利仍然引人注目。他支持文学艺术,给雅典带来之后再也未曾有过的辉煌,他还主持大量公共项目以改善公民生活。所有这些使得雅典进入黄金时代,亦为古希腊的全盛时期,故被称为伯里克利时代。