canu 设置全局#PBS参数问题
2021-06-11 本文已影响0人
有时候,某些程序会在qsub之后自行投递进一步的jobs,比如canu,这时前面设置的-P -l等参数需要传递到后续任务才能成功投递,在canu中gridOptions有这样的功能
- 报错
CRASH: INFO: As you have not specifed whether this job as a personal or project run,
CRASH: INFO: the system will count this as a personal run by default.
CRASH: INFO: Please use -P Personal or -P <project_id> to properly account for your job.
CRASH: INFO: Alternatively, in your job submission script please add
CRASH: INFO: #PBS -P Personal or #PBS -P <project_id>
CRASH: INFO: submitting job...
CRASH: qsub: Job has no walltime requested. Rejecting the job
- 解决思路
to approach the canu software developer and find out a way to include Project ID "-P Personal/<project ID>", and walltime, " -l walltime=01:00:00" arguments.
canu can pass any number of options to the gridOptions flag, in quotes and they will be passed through to the scheduler:
gridOptions="-V -W group_list=xylella -M email -mbea"
There are grid options for each step that will be passed as well as global grid options which will apply to all jobs
canu -options |grep gridOptions
gridOptions Grid engine options applied to all jobs
gridOptionsExecutive Grid engine options applied to the canu executive script
gridOptionsJobName Grid jobs job-name suffix
gridOptionsbat Grid engine options applied to unitig construction jobs
gridOptionscns Grid engine options applied to unitig consensus jobs
gridOptionscor Grid engine options applied to read correction jobs
gridOptionscormhap Grid engine options applied to mhap overlaps for correction jobs
gridOptionscormmap Grid engine options applied to mmap overlaps for correction jobs
gridOptionscorovl Grid engine options applied to overlaps for correction jobs
gridOptionsmeryl Grid engine options applied to mer counting jobs
gridOptionsobtmhap Grid engine options applied to mhap overlaps for trimming jobs
gridOptionsobtmmap Grid engine options applied to mmap overlaps for trimming jobs
gridOptionsobtovl Grid engine options applied to overlaps for trimming jobs
gridOptionsoea Grid engine options applied to overlap error adjustment jobs
gridOptionsovb Grid engine options applied to overlap store bucketizing jobs
gridOptionsovs Grid engine options applied to overlap store sorting jobs
gridOptionsred Grid engine options applied to read error detection jobs
gridOptionsutgmhap Grid engine options applied to mhap overlaps for unitig construction jobs
gridOptionsutgmmap Grid engine options applied to mmap overlaps for unitig construction jobs
gridOptionsutgovl Grid engine options applied to overlaps for unitig construction jobs
/home/users/00.bin/canu-2.1.1/bin/canu -p LipSX -d /home/users/scratch/01.canu-assembly/ genomeSize=*g -minReadLength=3000 -pacbio /home/users/scratch/00.seqData/SX/subreads.fasta.gz gridOptions="-P Personal -l walltime=24:00:00 -q normal