

2020-01-15  本文已影响0人  皮皮大

主要涉及到的知识点是聚合函数sum and count

This tutorial is about aggregate functions such as COUNT, SUM and AVG. An aggregate function takes many values and delivers just one value. For example the function SUM would aggregate the values 2, 4 and 5 to deliver the single value 11



  1. Show the total population of the world.
select sum(population) from world;
  1. List all the continents - just once each.


select distinct(continent) from world;
  1. Give the total GDP of Africa


select sum(gdp) from world where continent='Africa';
  1. How many countries have an area of at least 1000000


select count(name) from world
 where area > 1000000;
  1. What is the total population of ('Estonia', 'Latvia', 'Lithuania')


select sum(population) from world 
where name in ('Estonia', 'Latvia', 'Lithuania');
  1. For each continent show the continent and number of countries.


select continent, count(name)  -- 统计总数
from world 
group by continent;  -- 地区分组
  1. For each continent show the continent and number of countries with populations of at least 10 million.


select continent, count(name)
from world
where population >= 10000000  -- 先用where进行筛选
group by continent;
  1. List the continents that have a total population of at least 100 million.


select continent 
from world
group by continent  -- 先分组再进行筛选
having sum(population) >= 100000000;

Group By and Having


  1. select
  2. from
  3. where
  4. group by
  5. having
  6. order by


  1. For each continent show the number of countries


  • 洲分组
  • 统计数量count
select continent, count(name)
from world
group by continent;  -- 分组
  1. For each continent show the total population


  • 洲分组
  • 统计总数sum
select continent, sum(population)  -- 人口求和
from world
group by continent;
  1. For each relevant continent show the number of countries that has a population of at least 200000000.

where语句在group by之前

  • 每个地区的国家总数
  • 人口需要大于20000000
select continent,count(name)
from world
where population > 20000000
group by continent;
  1. Show the total population of those continents with a total population of at least half a billion.

The HAVING clause is tested after the GROUP BY

select continent, sum(population)   -- 统计总人口
from world
group by continent
having  sum(population) > 500000000;   -- 总人口满足的条件
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