相比较——compare with
科技进步——advancements in technology
提高的基础设施——improved infrastructures
导致良好生活——lead a quality life
交通设施——transportation facilities
减少旅行时间——reduce traveling time
过去——in the past
食品安全——food security
已经逐步的被政府监管——is being constantly monitored by government
医疗条件的发展——development in medical services
更长的生命——a longer lifespan
由于高科技设备——as a consequence of advanced technological instruments
创新的设备——innovated devices
当代人类——humans in contemporary era
由于技术发展——as the technology grows
让生活更加简单和舒服——make the living easier and more pleasant than before
可以减少交通问题——can reduce traffic issues
首要问题——the primary reason
车量的使用——use of vehicles
交通堵塞——congestion on roads
公共交通系统——public transport system
多种多样的方式避免——numerous ways to get rid of
问题的原因是缺乏父母的监管——the reason is due to the lack of guidance from parents
变得流行——become prevalent
广泛的问题——widespread problem
成为主要关注的社会问题——has been a major topic of concern in society
应该对。。负责——should be responsible for
这个现象——this phenomenon
可以用来解决问题——can take to deal with this problem
一系列的方法——a range of measures
增加风向——increase the risk of
由于缺乏——is due to the lack of
逐渐的被工作占据——are becoming increasingly occupied by with their jobs
变得对孩子的教育漠不关心——be indifferent to children's education
更加重视孩子的学习成绩而不是心理健康——place great emphasis on their academic performance rather than mental health
从正常轨道偏离——deviate from normal path
可以解决问题——could be taken to mitigate the problem
颁布法律和规则来减少暴力enact/introduce laws and regulations that can help reduce the violence
限制行为——deter behaviors
提供引导给孩子——provide guidance for their children
冷漠的家长——the indifference of parents
超重和肥胖——overweight and obesity
变得逐渐流行——become increasingly prevalent
解决问题——mitigate/address the problem/phenomenon
用来解决问题——be available to address this problem
可以解决问题——can tackle the issue
第一,第二——Firstly, secondly,
有利于健康——be prone to keep fit
原因是减少需求——due to the decreased demand for
首要的方法是教育——the primary method is education
过高的油和糖——is high in sugar and oil
现代社会——modern society
首先,另外,最后——firstly, apart from education, lastly
由于——contribute to
同样应该被考虑——should also be considered
鼓励他们运动——encourage them to take more exercise
对。。有效——be effective to
定期运动——regular exercise
维持健康——maintain our health and wellbeing
老一代——older generations
我们久坐的生活的主要原因是社会的变化——the main contributing factor to our increased sedentary lifestyles is the changes of society
人们主要的交通方式是开车去上班——the main transportation people take is driving vehicles to workplace
用电脑——by use of computer
经济的稳定——to be financially stable
抚养小孩——bring up a children
教育投资——the investment of education
一个老龄化缺少年轻人的——an aging population with lack of young people
照顾老人——take care of elderly
缺乏劳动力很有可能导致经济危机——the shortage of labor force is likely to result in the recession in economy
逐渐增加的生活成本和个人的目标是出生率底下的原因——the relatively high living cost and individuals' goals are responsible for deferred childbearing
承担风险——assume the responsibility
确保小学生的安全——ensure the safety of the pupils
住在城市的不同地方——reside in different places of the city
经历增长的压力——undergo increasing amount of stress
导致这个现象——lead this phenomenon
他们会强制学生参加各种各样的学术和非学术的活动中——they may force their children to participate in various academic and non-academic activities
过高的压力——excessive pressure
对身心健康有影响——be harmful both to mental and physical soundness
经历很大的压力——suffer a great amount of stress
成为暴力的受害者——become a victim of violence
参加——take part in/ participate in
和他人合作可以增加团队技能cooperate with others which can help them develop teamwork skills
增加的年轻人——an increasing number of young people
主要的优点是——the main benefit of
违法——violate the law