From a toothache
I can’t sleep well at night recently,because the toothache,sometimes the upper tooth pain sharply,sometimes the lower one.It let me worrysome!
“Maybe I am sick,”this thought upset me around the clock,I didn’t want to see a doctor,Although the toothache was very serious.It is hold on and it’s over that common folks do!I thought this principle also suits me.
So I put up with toothache in last three days,but suddenly,the pain level in my teeth is up the most.I had to go to the dentist today,the doctor checked my teeth,he found that I have a decayed tooth in the upper teeth,and the decay has reached the nerve,it is inflammation of the nerve ,so the pain is so violent.
Thank my god!I have no other problem !just toothache.then the dentist deinfected my tooth,kill the nerve of the tooth.apply the anti-inflammatory drug into my decayed tooth.the toothache is go away,thank the lord again!I can sleep timely at night!
So ,if you have a problem in mind or body,go immediately to see a doctor,don’t be paranoid,no delay,you’ll have a strong body,sound mind and happy family!
The problem in you daily work is like above,when you have yet find out the methods solve the problem,don’t give up,don’t worry,you can ask somebody help,eventualy you will overcome difficulties!