The four-day Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2017, themed with “Globalization & Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives”, was held from March 23 to 26 in Boao, Hainan.
一、 博鳌亚洲论坛关于促进经济全球化的宣言(Boao Forum for Asia Declaration on Economic Globalization)
The aim of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) is to promote and deepen the economic exchange, coordination, and cooperation within Asia and between Asia and other parts of the world. At present, the pressures on global growth and the increase in de-globalization and trade protectionistrhetoric and actions have caused serious concerns about possible disruptions to global trade and growth. Facing this situation, Asian countries should stay committed to the course of open markets, inclusive growth and continued economic cooperation to ensure shared prosperity and sustainable growth in the region.
Economic globalization is a natural outcome of scientific breakthroughs and technological progress. In the past decades, it has powered global growth, and enabled steady progress in poverty alleviation worldwide. Economic globalization has also caused new problems that should not be neglected.
The root cause of these structural problems is not economic globalizationper se, but the failure of the existing systems of global governance to keep up with profound changes in the world economic landscape. Thus, de-globalization measures are unlikely to solve the problems, and could even create new challenges for global growth. The world must actively adapt to the force of economic globalization and reform global governance.
With this in mind, BFA members attending the annual conference 2017, make the following appeal to all national governments and the global business community:
First, governments should recognize economic globalization as a positive force, and commit to reform and strengthen the international economic order and global governance system through enhanced dialogue and cooperation under the principles of economic sovereignty as well as equity and reciprocity of rights and obligations. Governments must go hand in hand with policies to ensure that its benefits are more widely shared. We need to strike a balance between growth and distribution, and address structural problems that undermine this balance.
Second, as liberalization of cross-border trade and investment is the driver of sustainable global development, governments should reject trade protectionism, jointly uphold and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and continue to reform and improvemultilateral trade and investment mechanisms and governance to ensure global prosperity.
Third, recognizing the fragmentation of global trade where less than half of the 600+ FTAs/RTAs (Free trade agreements / regional trade agreements) are actually functional, international and regional organizations such as the WTO and APEC should work together to address the situation and work towards a more open, inclusive, fair and equitable bilateral and multilateral trade system.
Fourth, while pursuing internal reform, multilateral financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank should strengthen and improve supervision of global finance, give full support to cross-border capital flows as an essential driver of economic growth, and make serious efforts to prevent and mitigate the adverse impacts caused by speculation or arbitrage on the part of “footloose” capital on the real economy.
Fifth, recognizing that technological innovation and cross-bordermovement of knowledge and information have helped to narrow the development gap between North and South and between rich and poor, governments should explore diverse forms of cross-border public private partnerships (PPP) to actively promote technological innovation and facilitate cross-border movement of knowledge and information to the benefit of people of all social strata in all countries and regions.
Sixth, to ensure balance in economic globalization, international organizations and multilateral mechanisms such as the G20 and APEC, national governments, as well as the private sector should support and help build an open mechanism for multilateral cooperation and jointly promote infrastructure, institutional and people-to-people connectivity.
BFA and BFA members stand ready to strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation in the aforementioned areas, and play their unique roles to bring about greater openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit and balance in economic globalization.
据了解,博鳌亚洲论坛2017年年会分为四个板块——全球化、增长、改革,以及新经济,一共设置了42场分论坛和12场闭门对话(the BFA Annual Conference 2017 was divided into four modules—globalization, growth, reform and new economy. A total of 42 official sessions and 12 private sessions are planned during the conference.)。
1、金融科技 FinTech
FinTech是Financial Technology的缩写,指应用于金融领域的新技术。2016年,金融科技的概念迅速火爆,在大数据(big data)、云计算(cloud computing)、区块链(block chain)、支付(payment)、智能投资顾问(robo-advisor)等方面取得了突飞猛进的成效,对金融以及工业和农业等行业产生了深度影响。
2、工匠精神 the spirit of craftsmanship
2017年的《政府工作报告》提出,“要大力弘扬工匠精神,厚植工匠文化”(promote the spirit of craftsmanship and foster a culture of craftsmanship)。“工匠精神”讲究精雕细琢,追求完美。由制造业大国迈向制造业强国,没有“工匠精神”的支撑就无从谈起。培育“工匠精神”重在弘扬精神,不仅限于物质生产,还需各行各业培育和弘扬精益求精、一丝不苟、追求卓越、爱岗敬业的品格,从而提供高品质产品和高水准服务。
3、直播经济 live stream economy
2016年被称为直播经济元年。不可否认,网络直播平台(live streaming platform)已经成为大众生活不可或缺的一部分。无论是用户数量的迅猛增长、资本的争相涌入,还是各大直播平台的相继入场,都预示着直播经济的到来。
4、数字货币 digital currency
数字货币,并非真实的货币,而是存在于数字化、网络化的世界中。但它又不能完全等同于局限在网络游戏等虚拟空间中的虚拟货币(virtual currency),经常被用于真实的商品和服务交易。由于移动支付(mobile payment)的普及,越来越多的人开始“无现金”(cash-free)生活。纸币的电子化,为数字货币的推出提供了良好的实践。
5、虚拟现实 virtual reality
虚拟现实,指通过模拟产生逼真的虚拟世界,给用户提供完整的视觉、听觉、触觉等感官体验,让用户能够实现在自然环境下的各种感知和高级人机交互技术(human-computer interaction)。2016年被称为“虚拟现实技术”元年。
6、创意经济 innovation economy
以知识为基础,把创意与智力资本作为初始投入,进行产品与服务的设计、生产、销售,这种经济活动可以归入创意经济范畴。创意经济的活动可以概括为三个层面:一是创意经济+新技术新产品,形成创新产品(innovative products);二是创意经济+互联网和传统产业,形成创新产业(innovative industry);三是创意经济+大众创业、万众创新,建设创新型国家(innovative country)。
7、人工智能 artificial intelligence
人工智能一般被认为是通过模拟、延伸和扩展人类智能,产生具有类人智能的计算系统(humanoid intelligence system)。在2017年全国两会上,“人工智能”首次出现在《政府工作报告》中:“全面实施战略性新兴产业发展规划,加快新材料、新能源、人工智能、集成电路、生物制药、第五代移动通信等技术研发和转化,做大做强产业集群。”(We will fully implement our plan for developing strategic emerging industries. We will accelerate R&D on and commercialization of new materials, new energy, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications, and other technologies, and develop industrial clusters in these fields.)
8、岛屿经济 island economy
岛屿经济体是一个独立的海岛或一群海岛,开发利用其岛屿、岛滩及环岛海域的陆地资源(land resources)和海洋资源(marine resources),以发展经济并具有一定行政、经济组织的地(海)域单元。
9、分享经济 sharing economy
分享经济是所有权与使用权相分离的经济。分享经济是只求所用、不求拥有的经济。消费者可以使用物品,但不必拥有物品。分享经济能够用较少的物质存量满足较多的服务需求,这与可持续发展(sustainable development)和绿色发展(green development)的要求是一致的。
博鳌亚洲论坛(Boao Forum for Asia,BFA)由25个亚洲国家和澳大利亚发起,于2001年2月下旬在海南省琼海市万泉河入海口的博鳌镇召开大会,正式宣布成立。论坛为非官方(non-government)、非营利性(non-profit)、定期、定址的国际组织;为政府、企业及专家学者等提供一个共商经济、社会、环境及其他相关问题的高层对话平台(a platform for leaders in government, business and academia from Asia and beyond to share visions on economy, society, environment and other related issues);海南博鳌为论坛总部的永久所在地。