美剧OZ S01E02剧情摘要评论(1)
这一集的名字叫做Visits, Conjugal and Otherwise,不太好翻译,姑且按照我的翻译就是“性探视,不给的话我可要……”
前一分钟Hill的叙述就是经典台词:Fuck is a four letter word. Rape is a four letter word. Wife is a four letter word. So is love. Fuck is a curse. So is love. And I don't just mean boys and girls. I'm talking friends, I'm talking family.哈哈
Wittlesey安慰了受伤的Beecher,高材生比先生被Schilinger在屁股上弄了个纳粹纹身。Wittlesey问到家庭,告诉了Beecher去找 Sister Pete.比先生算是找对人了。填张表就可以了。回到房间,Schilinger问到了性探视的问题,他认为比先生搞比老婆需要征得他同意,所以,有了下面的经典台词。
Schillinger: Oh, a conjugal. You didn't ask my permission. When are you gonna learn, prag? You belong to me. I make all your decisions, right? So ask me. Come over here and ask me if you can fuck your wife.
Beecher: I...
Schillinger: Come on, ask me! Now!
Beecher: Can I be with my wife?
Schillinger: Fuck my wife.
Beecher: Fuck my wife.
Schillinger: Louder, and say "please" and "sir".
Beecher: Please, sir, may I fuck my wife?
Schillinger: Louder.
Beecher: (Screaming.) Please, sir, may I fuck my wife!
Schillinger: When you ask me like that, I can't deny you anything.
Hill: Bitch, herd, maytag, shill. Here in Oz we call 'em "prags". I don't know where it comes from, but you make a man your prag, he's your prag for life. It's like the old days when people didn't get divorced, the only way out of marriage is death. 'Til death do us part.
Bitch, herd ,shill这些词在OZ我们都叫prags(我们可以理解的基宠),一旦你成为某个人的基宠,你一辈子都是。大家知道,其实Beecher此时已经成了Schillinger的基宠了。他会一辈子都是吗,我们改天再接着讲。