烛光夜话│A Candlelight Discourse 文 罗
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译 蒲公英流(华花郎Ar/会木/lin)
Nice to see you, I hurried through work at hand, invited you to that place with candlelight and quiet night, and to kill some time. Still remember you blamed me for do not want to entertain you at home, actually, you probably had known- how could home better than this place? At home, I'm host who had to prepare cake and pastries, deal with housework, take care of children, sometimes phone rings, doorbell as well, and all these could disturb our talking. This place do better than home: a little gloomy hall, a dozen of candlelight, likes firefly shines and fallingstar sweeps .——
而你也说:深爱那烛光诗意,喜欢那单纯而幻丽的灯罩的色调。说要照样买一个松绿色的,带回家去。其实,那山楂红的也极美艳,那芒果黄的美得像秋。你也说喜欢那一首幽幽细细的萨克斯风吹奏的曲子“As time goes by”,我把它翻成《似水流年》或《逝者如斯》的。流光逝去的声音不就是那样带着凄伤和无奈的吗?而你说,即知无奈,就不必再去凄伤吧!
You also said, ——
We therefore continue talking. You are always first asking, Which book have read recently?
"emm, which book…I'm repeating the My Country and My People time after time. "
"yesterday,I want to read the Gragiella again. "
“ ‘再’ 看看?”
—" read 'again' ? "
"because I've read, just feeling like chewing wax."
—"well, how about this time? "You asked with hope .
"I took one look on the first page, but scolded myself at once, why be a poor poseur? "
—"oh, finally? "

"finally, I read the collection of ZhengBan-qiao," I said, " whose Photocopy Edison, how unsophisticated and vigorous handwriting is! as if made you were in old home, China ah! China! There're one quadrangle, two paper windows; those days when crowded around stove, when used links on rice paper, when read thread-bound anthology of poetry and novel with all captions, when 'Ride a Donkey over Bridges, Sigh of the Plum Blossom thin ', when lived in extended family, when got rich but no flaunting, when led a plain-living life …that kind of blue sky, wide plain, small bridge flowing brook and old house embracing flower … that is true modesty, vast love, calm and serenity, that is China! "
—"you are turning back the clock! "Your eyes reproached me.
"It's not so. I were the translated stem, germinate in middle, and know well only take root first, so that can grow up."
—"Is Gragiella not root? "
"Too far away from me, like Shakespeare."
—"why do not others ?
"People don't have to be the same."
—"Don't you like Tagore?"
"No, I'd like to, but prefer TaoYuanming.
—"That's an ideological prejudice. "

“of course it is, because TaoYuanming is Chinese. ”
Thereupon, you draw conclusions, said that "you ought to throw out some prejudices."
Every time we talked to this, it's time for us to change a topic. Otherwise, we'll constantly argue. In fact, we all know that every argue is injustice.



A childish translation by lin(Dandelion flowing).见怪,一篇不成熟译文。
Translator's Note:
1).The author Luo Lan is a honorable lady…
2).TaoYuanming lived in Jin dynasty 1,600 years ago, who sought "to live deliberately" the same as Henry David Thoreau.