2018-07-30 本文已影响0人
var os = {};
// The <html> element.
var documentElement = window.document.documentElement;
// The client user agent string.
// Lowercase, so we can use the more efficient indexOf(), instead of Regex
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().split('amap/')[0];
// Simple UA string search
var find = function (needle) {
return userAgent.indexOf(needle) !== -1;
// windows下浏览器
os.windows = find('windows');
os.iphone = !os.windows && find('iphone');
os.ipod = find('ipod');
os.ipad = find('ipad');
os.ios = os.iphone || os.ipod || os.ipad;
os.android = !os.windows && find('android');
os.androidPhone = os.android && find('mobile');
// 安卓平板
os.androidTablet = os.android && !find('mobile');
// Insert the appropriate CSS class based on the _user_agent.
if (os.ios) {
var v = userAgent.match(/(iphone|ipad|ipod).*?os\s([\d_]+)\s/i);
os.version = v[2];
} else if (os.android) {
os.version = userAgent.substr(userAgent.indexOf('android') + 8, 3);
var match_version = os.version.replace(/\_/g, '.').match(/^\d+(?:\.\d+)?/);
if (match_version) {
os._version = match_version[0] * 1;
} else {
os._version = 0;