
2020-08-23  本文已影响0人  逸章

和Java一样,你可以把一个class声明为final,这样它就不能被extends. You can also declare individual methods or fields final so that they cannot be overridden.

object Main extends App
  var b = new B
   * 下面这个在平时开发中基本不用,因为最好使用patternMatch
  if(b.isInstanceOf[A])//an object of class A or its subclass (such as B),等同于Java的obj instanceof Cl
    var a = b.asInstanceOf[A]//等同于(Cl) obj
    println(s"是A类型或者它的子类型" )
  if(b.getClass == classOf[A])//scala.Predef.classOf,这个方法等价于Java里面的Cl.class

  b match {
    case a: A => println("是A或者它的子类型")
    case _ => println("不是A")

class A
  def w = "a"
  def go(where : String) = "A go to " + where

class B extends A
   //def w = "w" 没有override会报错
   def go() = "go B"
   override def go(where : String) = super.go(where)+" B go to "+where//注意怎么调用父类的方法
   override def toString = s"${getClass.getName}"//one.two.three.B


Unlike in Java, a protected member is not visible throughout the package to which the class belongs.
当然也有a protected[this] variant ,它会限制只有current object可以访问这个变量,这个和private[this]类似

an auxiliary constructor can never invoke a superclass constructor directly. The auxiliary constructors of the subclass eventually call the primary constructor of the subclass. Only the primary constructor can call a superclass constructor.

注意下面的继承关系实际是包含两层含义:第一是继承关系,第二是子primary constructor里面调用了父的primary constructor
class Employee(name: String, age: Int, val salary : Double) extends Person(name, age)

Overriding val, def, and var
• A def can only override another def.
• A val can only override another val or a parameterless def.
• A var can only override an abstract var


abstract class Person { 
def id: Int // Each person has an ID that is computed in some way
class Student(override val id: Int) extends Person
// A student ID is simply provided in the constructor

Abstract Classes

abstract class Person(val name: String) 
  *1. No method body—this is an abstract method
   2. 和Java不一样,在Scala中,我们不需要为抽象方法增加abstract,我们只需要忽略它的body即可
    def id: Int 

class Employee(name: String) extends Person(name) 
    def id  = name.hashCode   // 注意override 关键字是可选的 ;: Int也是可选的

Abstract Fields
An abstract field 即一个没有初始值的field

abstract class Person 
    val id: Int // No initializer—this is an abstract field with an abstract getter method
    var name: String // Another abstract field, with abstract getter and setter methods

class Employee(val id: Int) extends Person 
    // Subclass has concrete id property
    var name = "Employee " // and concrete name property

   println(new Person
       val id=5
       var name="hello"
       override def toString = "I am anonymous Person"

注意: you should not rely on the value of a val in the body of a constructor.
Java中也有类似的问题:In Java, you have a similar issue when you call a method in a superclass constructor. The method might be overridden in a subclass, and it might not do what you want it to do.

解决方法是使用“early definition syntax” in the subclass

The “early definition” syntax lets you initialize val fields of a subclass before the superclass is executed


object Main extends App
   var ant = new Ant
   println(s"range is ${ant.range}, evn size is ${ant.env.length}")//打印長度是0

class Creature 
  val range: Int = 10
  val env: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](range)

class Ant extends Creature 
  override val range = 2


class Ant extends {override val range = 2} with Creature //有個with,另外把override移到這裡來了


  1. AnyRef类编译成Java虚拟机后变成了java.lang.Object类

  2. AnyVal and AnyRef 继承自Any class, the root of the hierarchy,Any类型定义了isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf, equals(other: Any)和hashCode方法

3.Null类型:Null 类型的唯一实例是 null,它是所有types的subtype. You can assign null to any reference, but not to one of the value types. For example, setting an Int to null is not possible.

Object Equality

class Item(val description: String, val price: Double)
   * 要注意和Java不一样的地方:In an application program, you don’t generally call eq or equals. Simply use the
== operator. For reference types, it(指的是==操作) calls equals after doing the appropriate check
for null operands.
   * */
   final override def equals(other : Any) = other match
     case o:Item => o.description == this.description && o.price == this.price
     case _ => false
   //##是方法,即##()方法调用,等价于x.hashCode except for boxed numeric types and null
   //The ## method is a null-safe version of the hashCode method that yields 0 for null instead of throwing an exception.
   final override def hashCode = (description, price).##


println(new Item("hello1",3) == new Item("hello1",3))//true

注意:The hash code should be computed only from the fields that you use in the equality check

Value Classes
//1.只能有一个val 修饰的field

class F(val a : Int) extends AnyVal

val m = new F(3)

val n = new F(8)
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