It was the summer of 2018... I was yet another new girl walking along a strange corridor, knowing absolutely nothing about this brand new environment that I had been thrown in. To be completely honest, I only knew that I would be there, possibly for the next 5 years of my life, a day prior. It was a comical situation, one that we all experience at some point in life. So, why I’m I making such a big deal of it now?
Let me tell you something about myself, to provide you with some context. I’m just another ordinary teenage girl who would instantly disappear among the crowds. I am ever sensible, never too exited, having no personality. I don’t know what to make of it... This meant that I was destined to be slow in making friends. Although you might think that I present my character in a negative light, I must confess that my ever-so-calm temperament does bring me peace of mind on numerous occasions, not to say about the ever-lasting peace I enhanced on others. I was able to bore my parents’ tempers, wave off anxieties with perfect ease and sleep well before the day that I officially start my school life in Sydney.
Now, let’s go back to where we were. Yes, Willoughby, it was both a terrifying and exciting place for me when I first stepped over its threshold. Terrifying in the sense that I was an individual island, utterly, completely alone surrounded with unfathomable waters, while others already formed archipelagos and island chains. Exciting in the sense that new school signifies new beginning and new impressions. I mean no one there knew that I was an extremely clueless and awkward person who speaks Asian English and drinks boiled water on a hot summer day... Well, you get the point. But anyways, I was not living in the world of Hartfield and there was no Emma to rescue me from “teenage hell”.
So this was my state of being when I started to get acquainted with people. Well, I must say that I was as awkward and clumsy as ever since it took me three terms to actually find the friendship group that I truly belong in. Actually, I met these people very early in the year yet I was unsure of hanging out with them full time. But, when I did, I couldn’t be happier. These were exactly my people. We spent ages at the bus stop teasing, debating and discussing philosophies each day. We never know how to start conversations thereby ending up with “how is the weather today?”, or giving cheesy compliments that I am too embarrassed to utter here.
Okay, nonsense aside, these people taught me valuable things that will serve as my personal “交友守则”. There is no point spending time with people who you are merely agreeing along with and who you can’t talk about your interests to. People often tell you to “make friends”, yet I rather believe it more appropriate to say “find friends”. Most people in your life come and go. They are destined to be just passing by, stepping off the bus while you go on to your destination. However, true friends are different. They might get off the bus temporarily, but you will always trust them to pop back on once in awhile. Sometimes just to see to your needs. They make you smile for no reason. They fill your memories with gold. They always leave an ear for you, ready to listen. Ha, sorry for being sensational... Okay, (the lesson of the day) to procure for all the happiness that friends can offer you, all you need to do is to wait. I assure you that the waiting will be tiresome and irritating. You will most definitely feel lonely in the process. But I assure you also that when you have just learned to live with loneliness, your friends will come and find you. So that was the experience for me.
Unbeknownst to me then, my time at Willoughby only lasted for two years. I can’t say that these two years were the most joyful, yet it was during this time that my long term wish came into fruition - I established close bonds with a group of loveliest people, friendships that I hope to strengthen for years to come.
Finally, those that leave precious footprints in your memory are the people you should cherish, the people who you should forever look forward to making new memories with.