和 Apple 有关的英语表达 | You are the ap
陈妍希主演的电影《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》,这部电影的英文名叫做 《 You are the Apple of My Eye 》
the apple of someone’s eye, 从字面上看,意思是“某人眼睛里的苹果”,实际上 apple 在这里象征着人的瞳孔。
眼睛是一个人最为珍视的部位,所以,You are the Apple of My Eye 取意为:我就像爱护我的眼睛那般深深珍爱着你。
--- a person or thing that someone loves very much
--- 被某人奉若掌上明珠(被某人深爱)
1. You are the Apple of My Eye was filmed entirely in Taiwan.
2. This man is the apple of her eye.
几个与 Apple 有关的词组与习惯用法
Adam's apple 喉结
Rotten apple 害群之马
例句: One rotten apple ruined the day for the rest of us.
Apples and oranges 风马牛不相及
例句:it's apples and oranges. 这完全是两码事。
Apple of sodom 徒有其表;金玉其外,败絮其中
例句:The employee he hired last month was found to be an apple of Sodom.
Apple-polisher 马屁精
例句:He is the biggest apple-polisher in our company.
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