Sub CATMain()
' get root product of document'
Dim RootProd As Product
Set RootProd = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
' retrieve selection object of active document'
Dim objSelection As Selection
Set objSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
' get two selected objects'
If (objSelection.Count2 <> 2) Then
MsgBox "Before running the script you must select two products to compute clash for", vbOKOnly, "No products selected"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim FirstProd As Product
Dim SecondProd As Product
Set FirstProd = objSelection.Item2(1).Value
Set SecondProd = objSelection.Item2(2).Value
' create groups for clash computation'
Dim objGroups As Groups
Set objGroups = RootProd.GetTechnologicalObject("Groups")
Dim grpFirst As Group
Dim grpSecond As Group
Set grpFirst = objGroups.Add()
Set grpSecond = objGroups.Add()
' add selected products to groups'
grpFirst.AddExplicit FirstProd
grpSecond.AddExplicit SecondProd
' get access to Clashes collection'
Dim objClashes As Clashes
Set objClashes = RootProd.GetTechnologicalObject("Clashes")
' create new clash'
Dim newClash As Clash
Set newClash = objClashes.Add()
' set new clash to be computed between two groups (two selected products)'
newClash.FirstGroup = grpFirst
newClash.SecondGroup = grpSecond
newClash.ComputationType = catClashComputationTypeBetweenTwo
' compute clash'
For I = 1 To cConflicts.Count
Set oConflict = cConflicts.Item(I)
' Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 1).Value = I'
Debug.Print oConflict.FirstProduct.Name
Debug.Print oConflict.SecondProduct.Name
Debug.Print oConflict.Value
Debug.Print oConflict.Type
Debug.Print oConflict.Status
Debug.Print oConflict.Comment
End Sub
Clash Detection In CATIA
借助CATIA VBA API,自定义一些工具, 可以有效提高工作效率。
Catia stores these results in the model. The results can be reviewed later.
The Concept
Open an Excel Workbook
In Excel VBA, create a connection to CATIA
- Excel has now got full control of CATIA, via CATIA's API.
Run the CATIA Clash Analysis.
Write the results of the analysis to Excel.
Each row in excel is a clash result between 2 parts.
When each row is selected, put all other parts in no show.
Analyses the clash and fix.
Allow a fresh clash analysis between both parts.
The Code
Connecting Excel to CATIA
In VBA, catia is an ActivX object, so we simple create an object.
*Function GetCATIA() As Object*
*Set catia = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")*
*If catia Is Nothing Then*
*Set catia = CreateObject("CATIA.Application")*
*catia.Visible = True*
*End If*
*Set GetCATIA = catia*
*End Function*
In our code then we simple use Set catia = GetCATIA to create an object to the live CATIA session. See
Creating the Clash Analysis
Assuming we have an open catproduct in CATIA then, access the clash technology object :
*Dim cClashes As Clashes*
*Set cClashes = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product.GetTechnologicalObject("Clashes")*
Create a new clash analysis
*Dim newClash 'as Clash*
*Set newClash = cClashes.Add()*
Set the clash to check for a clash between all components
*oClash.ComputationType = catClashComputationTypeBetweenAll*
Tell catia to perform the clash
Analysing the results
The clash results are all stored in the oClash object. We simply need to iterate through this and write the results to a spreadsheet.
*Dim cConflicts As Conflicts*
*Dim oConflict As Conflict*
*Set cConflicts = oClash.Conflicts*
*For I = 1 To cConflicts.Count*
*Set oConflict = cConflicts.Item(I)*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 1).Value = I*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 2).Value = oConflict.FirstProduct.Name*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 3).Value = oConflict.SecondProduct.Name*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 4).Value = oConflict.Value*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 5).Value = oConflict.Type*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 6).Value = oConflict.Status*
*Worksheets("Clash Results").Cells(I + 2, 7).Value = oConflict.Comment*
This will create a spreadsheet like:
This is similar to the output from running clash detection manually. The purpose of this exercise is to extend the capability of clash analysis.
Show the results of a single conflict
We will perform the following tasks on a single clash result when the user double-clicks the row.
- Select the clash result
- Put All Parts in no show
- Put both parts in the clash assembly into a selection and show
*Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)*
*On Error GoTo errhandler*
*Dim intClashNumber As Integer*
*intClashNumber = Cells(Target.Row, 1) ' Get the clash number*
*'Highlight the row Give us a visual clue of what we are working on*
* If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub*
* Application.ScreenUpdating = False*
* ' Clear the color of all the cells*
* Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0*
* With Target*
* .EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 8*
* End With*
* Application.ScreenUpdating = True*
*Application.DisplayStatusBar = True*
*Application.StatusBar = "Please be patient,..."*
*Call cmdShowThisClashAlone(intClashNumber)*
*Exit Sub*
*Debug.Print Err.Description*
*End Sub*
*Sub controlPartVisibility(boolVisibility As Boolean)*
*Dim productDocument1 'As ProductDocument*
*Dim selection1 'As Selection*
*Dim visPropertySet1 'As VisPropertySet*
*Set catia = GetCATIA*
*Set productDocument1 = catia.ActiveDocument*
*Set selection1 = productDocument1.Selection*
*Set visPropertySet1 = selection1.VisProperties*
*' boolVisibility if true show all invisible parst*
*' if false, hide all visible parts*
* If boolVisibility Then*
* selection1.Search "CATAsmSearch.Part.Visibility=InVisible,all"*
* visPropertySet1.SetShow 0*
* Else*
* selection1.Search "CATAsmSearch.Part.Visibility=Visible,all"*
* visPropertySet1.SetShow 1*
* End If*
*Set visPropertySet1 = Nothing*
*Set selection1 = Nothing*
*Set productDocument1 = Nothing
End Sub*
*Sub cmdShowThisClashAlone(intClashID As Integer)*
*On Error GoTo errhandler*
*'Put Everthing in No Show*
*Application.StatusBar = "Putting Every Part in No show, this could take several minutes"*
*controlPartVisibility (False) ' Put all visible parts in no show*
*Dim catia As Object*
*'Make call to catia*
*Set catia = GetCATIA ' Call CATIA*
*If catia Is Nothing Then*
*MsgBox "I can't connect to CATIA, Is it running?"*
*Exit Sub ' Finish the program*
*End If*
*Dim cClashes 'As Clashes*
*Set cClashes = catia.ActiveDocument.Product.GetTechnologicalObject("Clashes")*
*Dim newClash 'as Clash*
*Set newClash = cClashes.Item(cClashes.Count) ' Use the last clash*
*Dim cConflicts 'As Conflicts*
*Set cConflicts = newClash.Conflicts*
*Dim oConflict 'As Conflict*
*Set oConflict = cConflicts.Item(intClashID)*
*Set productDocument1 = catia.ActiveDocument*
*Set selection1 = productDocument1.Selection*
*Set visPropertySet1 = selection1.VisProperties*
*selection1.Add oConflict.SecondProduct*
*selection1.Add oConflict.FirstProduct*
*Application.StatusBar = "Showing the clash results"*
*visPropertySet1.SetShow 0*
*Exit Sub*
*Debug.Print Err.Description*
*End Sub*
The Application In Action
Run the Clash Analysis
Which creates the CATIA clash
And writes it to excel
Double click on a clash and Excel marks the row
and in catia the clash parts are shown on their own
本文简单介绍了如何使用VBA 及Excel对CATIA进行开发。