节选学习牛津写作指南 - 写作的过程
The Writing Process
Writing in its broad sense - as distinct from simply putting words on paper - has three steps: thinking about it, doing it, and doing it again (and again and again, as often as time will allow and patience will endure).
广义上的写作——不同于简单地把文字堆彻在纸上——有三个步骤: “思考”、“做”、“再做一次”(一遍又一遍地重复,只要写作者自己的时间还允许,耐心还能忍受)。
The first step, "thinking," involves choosing a subject, exploring ways of developing it, and devising strategies of organization and style. The second step, "doing," is usually called "drafting"; and the third, "doing again," is "revising." The next several chapters take a brief look at these steps of the writing process.
First a warning. They're not really "steps," not in the usual sense anyway. You don't write by (1) doing all your thinking, (2) finishing a draft, and then (3) completing a revision. Actually you do all these things at once.
If that sounds mysterious, it's because writing is a complex activity. As you think about a topic you are already beginning to select words and construct sentences - in other words, to draft. As you draft and as you revise, the thinking goes on: you discover new ideas, realize you've gone down a dead end, discover an implication you hadn't seen before.
It's helpful to conceive of writing as a process having, in a broad and loose sense, three steps. But remember that you don't move from step to step in smooth and steady progress. You go back and forth. As you work on a composition you will be, at any given point, concentrating on one phase of writing. But always you are engaged with the process in its entirety.
广义上以宽松的标准,把写作看成是一个有三个步骤的过程,是有帮助的。 但是请记住,你是不会平滑地、稳稳地一步一步往下走的。你会来来回回折腾着走。 当你写一篇作文的时候,在任何一个给定的时间点,你都是集中精力于正在从事的写作步骤,但是,你总是在和全部的写作过程打交道。