
2017-03-21  本文已影响0人  zhefeng

Words and Phrases

Overview map of the Ancient Near East in the 15th century BC (Middle Assyrian period), From wiki



亚述 (亚洲西南部之一古代帝国; 首都尼尼微(Nineveh[`n n~v~; 'niniv~])) Assyria was a major Mesopotamian East Semitic-speaking kingdom and empire of the ancient Near East.

Map of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and its expansions. From wiki

Mesopotamia /mєsəpəˋtєimjə/

源自希腊文“夹于两河之间的”的意思 名词 美索不达米亚 (在亚洲西南部底格里斯河 (Tigris /ˈtaɪɡrɪs/) 与幼发拉底河 (Euphrates /juːˈfreɪtiːz/) 两河下游间的古代一王国,大致与现在伊拉克相同的地区)

Mesopotamian 形容词或居民

Map showing the extent of Mesopotamia. From wiki

Semite /ˋsi:mait/

可数名词 1 闪族,塞姆族 (现代的犹太人 (Jew) ,阿拉伯人 (Arab) ,古代的巴比伦尼亚人 (Babylonian) ,腓尼基人 (Phoenician) ,亚述人 (Assyrian) 等) 2 (尤指) 犹太人

Semitic /siˋmitik/ 形容词 1 a. 闪族的 b. 闪族语 (系) 的 2 犹太人的 不可数名词 闪族语 (系)(包括希伯来语 (Hebrew) ,阿拉伯语 (Arabic) 等)

Hittite /ˋhitait/

名词 1 a. [the ~s]希太族 (在小亚细亚地方的古代民族) b. (C)希太族人 2 (U)希太语 (使用楔形文字、象形文字) 形容词 希太人[语]的

The Hittites were an Ancient Anatolian people who established an empire centered on Hattusa in north-central Anatolia around 1600 BC. This empire reached its height during the mid-14th century BC under Suppiluliuma I, when it encompassed an area that included most of Anatolia as well as parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia.

Phoenicia /fiˋniʃə/

Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic thalassocratic拥有制海权的 civilization situated on the East Mediterranean coastal part of the Fertile Crescent, on the coastline of what is now Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Gaza, Syria and south west Turkey, though some colonies later reached the Western Mediterranean and even the Atlantic Ocean, the most famous being Carthage. The enterprising, sea-based Phoenician civilization spread across the Mediterranean between 1500 BC and 300 BC.

Map of Phoenicia


Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.

Green: Boundaries of the Roman province Syria Palaestina, where dashed green line shows the boundary between Byzantine Palaestina Prima (later Jund Filastin) and Palaestina Secunda (later Jund al-Urdunn), as well as Palaestina Salutaris (later Jebel et-Tih and the Jifar) Red: Borders of Mandatory Palestine Blue: Borders of the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) which are claimed by theState of Palestineas its borders 其中只有黄色区域(Area A and B)为巴勒斯坦实际控制区域

Israelites /ˈɪzriəˌlaɪtsˌ/

The Israelites were a Semitic-speaking people of the ancient Near East, who inhabited a part of Canaan during the tribal and monarchic periods. The ancient Israelites are considered to be an outgrowth of the indigenous Canaanite populations that long inhabited the Southern Levant, Syria, ancient Israel and the Transjordan.

Canaan /ˈkeɪnən/

1‘圣经’迦南 (古代约旦河 (Jordan) 与地中海之间的地方,大约相当于现在的巴勒斯坦(Palestine) ; 上帝答应赐给以色列人的土地) 2 (C)乌托邦,理想的地方,乐土

Cannan was a Semitic-speaking region in the Ancient Near East during the late 2nd millennium BC. In the Bible it corresponds to the Levant, in particular to the areas of the Southern Levant that provide the main setting of the narrative of the Hebrew Bible, i.e., the area of Israel, Philistia, Phoenicia, and other nations.


The Kingdom of Judah was an Iron Age kingdom of the Southern Levant. The Hebrew Bible depicts it as the successor to a United Monarchy, but historians are divided about the veracity of this account. ... the ensuing competition between the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt and the Neo-Babylonian Empire for control of the Eastern Mediterranean led to the destruction of the kingdom in a series of campaigns between 597 and 582, the deportation of the elite of the community, and the incorporation of Judah into a province of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.

Map of the Levant circa 830 BCE. From wiki

Philistia /fiˋlistiə/


A Pentapolis (five cities) in south-western Levant, comprising Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza.

Philistia (Biblical pentapolis) 1175 BC–722 BC From wiki

The Old Testament旧约 is the first section of the Christian Bible, based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh), a collection of religious writings by ancient Israelites believed by most Christians and religious Jews to be the sacred Word of God.

The New Testament新约 is a collection of writings by early Christians, believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ, written in first-century Koine Greek.

Hebrew Bible or Hebrew Scriptures (Latin: Biblia Hebraica) is the term used by biblical scholars to refer to the Tanakh (Hebrew: תנ"ך‎‎; Latin: Thanach), the canonical collection of Jewish texts, which is the common textual source of several canonical editions of the Christian Old Testament. They are composed mainly in Biblical Hebrew, with some passages in Biblical Aramaic (in the books of Daniel, Ezra and a few others).

B.C. A.D. & B.C.E. C.E.

B.C. does stand for “before Christ.” A.D. actually stands for the Latin phrase anno domini, which means “in the year of our Lord.” There is no "zero" year -- in this system, the year Christ was born is 1 A.D., and the year preceding it is 1 B.C. This practice was first suggested in the sixth century A.D., and was adopted by the pope of that time.

In recent times, there has been a push to replace the B.C. and A.D. labels with B.C.E and C.E., meaning “before common era” and “common era,” respectively.

sustenance /s'ʌstɪnəns/

[N-UNCOUNT] Sustenance is food or drink which a person, animal, or plant needs to remain alive and healthy. (FORMAL) 联系sustain

What has been found is but an earnest of the harvest that is yet in store.

but (ONLY) adverb FORMAL only; just:

earnest sum of money paid as an instalment or a deposit to show that full payment will be made later 定金; 保证金. thing meant as a sign or promise of what will follow 预示; 承诺; 保证:

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