2017-10-17  本文已影响0人  青云_Cheria


PART 1- 3句

1, The money kept rolling in and I was balling out of control.

2, Thanks to him, I now controlled production, sales, distribution- I had everything I needed to lock down the bootleg business. (我这里理解为 作者垄断了整个生意 bootleg boot踢 leg 法律 踢法律=违法)

3, I have an instinct for business. (有做。。。的天分)

    I had a natural talent for selling to people.

PART 2 - 3词

1, bequeath

And, as thanks, he bequeathed unto me his CD writer.

释义:bequeath 遗传,遗赠

(law) to officially arrange for someone to have something that you own after your death

bequeath sth to sb; bequeath sb sth

这里表示 ,Andrew要去读大学,不做这个了,把这些都留给作者

例句: His father bequeathed him a fortune.

2, mesmerizing

He was mesmerizing to watch.

mesmerizing  魅惑 ;中毒 ;欲罢不能

if you are mesmerized by someone or something, you cannot stop watching them or listening to them because they are so attractive or have such a powerful effect

SYN: captivate

例句: The first time I saw her I was mesmerizing by her beauty.

3, atrocity

I often meet people in the West who insist that the Holocaust was the worst atrocity in human history, without question.

an extremely cruel and violent action, especially during a war (暴行)

同根词: atrocious  extremely bad =awful  horrified

例句: Atrocities were committed by forces on both sides of the conflict.

PART 3 - Thoughts

“My family had been denied the things his family had taken for granted. I had a natural talent for selling to people, but without knowledge and resources, where was that going to get me?”

这章主要是从Trevor 的两个好朋友入手展开的。这一段说的是Andrew,一个在某种意义上讲改变了作者命运的人。对上面这段话感触颇深,这段话在我看来分为两层。第一句说眼界和看法,就像之前作者写的 很多人根本不明白也无法理解作者的妈妈为什么要教他英语,以及带他到处看。想法根本不同,看问题也根本不一样。第二层,就算再有天赋没有必要的资源 巧妇难为无米之炊。还是不行。Andrew,某些方面不得不说作者很幸运,自身是一方面,遇到的和遭遇的也是他成就的另一方面。

“So in Europe and America, yes, Hitler is the Greatest Madman in History. In Africa he’s just another strongman from the history books. In all my time hanging out with Hitler, I never once asked myself, “Why is his name Hitler?” His name was Hitler because his mom named him Hitler.”


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